Q on subtlety in UC GPA calculation

<p>The UC GPA calculation sums points for 10 and 11th grade a-g courses based on letter grade, then adds a point for each honors or AP class up to a maximum of 8 points. </p>

<p>Do AP or honors classes scheduled for grade 12 generate points for the UC GPA? That is, if a student had a 4.0 for 10+11th strictly on the letter grades and had several AP classes in process and planned for 12, would those 12th grade classes contribute an extra point each into the GPA calculation? </p>

<p>This all hinges on how they interpret the phrase “taken in the last three years of high school.” If the last three years are grades 10, 11 and 12, all classes for which the student is registered in 12 could contribute the honors/AP points. If the last three years means three sequential calendar years ending today (for most, that would be 9, 10 and 11th grades), the calculation goes anohter way. However, since 9th grade classes cannot be considered Honors or AP by the UC system, that interpretation doesn’t make sense either.</p>

<p>Giving points for classes for which one is enrolled but has not yet successfullly completed seems odd as well.</p>

<p>I think they shouldn't, although it changed quite a bit this year it seems. If you get an extra point, I would imagine you'd also have to factor in senior year grades too, which doesn't seem to be the case.</p>

<p>Only 10-11.</p>

<p>We do look at the rigor of the senior year, so we do notice that AP and honors courses are being completed. However, to help the UC GPA the course must be completed in the sophomore and junior years.</p>