QuestBridge Finalist, but applications through the Common App?

Is it possible for me to become a QuestBridge Finalist, but take care of the entire application process through the Common Application? I don’t plan on ranking colleges nor using the QuestBridge application to apply EA/ED/RD. I simply want to apply for the National College Match, see if I become a Finalist, and apply SCEA and RD through the Common Application. Is this possible, or do I have to take care of everything through QuestBridge once (if) I become a Finalist?

Also, with Finalist status, can I only get free applications through QuestBridge, or can I get free applications for the Common Application as well?

If you become a finalist, each college specifies what is required to complete its application, and most, I believe, include the Common App and some require the QB app too (and yes, you can use the same essays). So check each school you are interested in for finalist requirements.

All QB schools waive applications fees for finalists. You may also qualify for and/or request fee waivers from any school, apart from QB.

Good luck!