We’re at the very beginning of this college/financial aid adventure. I haven’t yet done NPCs for some of the colleges my daughter has expressed interest in (on my “To Do” list), but in the meantime, I wanted to get feedback from folks on the forum about Questbridge. I think it could be worthwhile for my daughter to do the College Prep Scholars Program application (she is currently the equivalent of a high school junior), but I have also heard that it can be difficult to get into the program. From the academic perspective, I don’t think she’d have a problem. From the financial perspective, we might be on or near the fence (we do meet the general criteria they set out of under $65K but also own our home and have some other assets).
You have nothing to lose from applying as long as you go into this with your eyes open that your home/assets may make you financially ineligible.
Is the income for both you and your spouse?
While you are not currently living in the US, your home in the UK will be considered your primary residence and your house in the US, will be considered an asset. If your house in the US is being rented out, the rent will be considered income.
Thanks! Any other tips to share? It seems like with a lot of the stories of students that are profiled, they demonstrate extreme financial need or have compelling life stories. Do you know how many apply versus how many are accepted?
Also, is it automatic that if a student applies for the College Prep Scholars Program is accepted, they get accepted for the QuestBridge scholarship? I’m reading on their brochure the "The majority of College Prep Scholars are selected as Finalists for the QuestBridge National College Match.
Students who are accepted for college prep scholars are not automatically selected as finalist. Remember not every one who applies to Questbridge applies for the College Prep scholar and not every College Prep scholar applies for Questbridge.
In 2017, out of 15,606 applications, 5,759 students were selected as National College Match Finalists.