Question AB Calc

<p>Ok, so lets say a formula for getting the area of some section on a graph did not have a 2 in front of it. Example: the washer method, but instead of the pi times the integral, you put 2pi times the integral. How much do you think ETS would take off. free response.</p>

<p>Btw. Just to be on the safe side, this has nothing to do with the administered test just today. This was from a practice test.</p>

<p>It depends on how many points are allocated to that particular portion of the FRQ and the grader. I would assume if it were a 1 point part, you get 0 points. it really depends...if you took this from a practice test, doesn't it have the solutions with explanations?</p>

<p>Usually on an area/volume question, the limits of integration and/or any constants are worth one point and you would lose it.</p>

<p>They distribute the points to all parts of the integral. If you got your bounds right, that's probably a point. I am not sure if they would consider your integrand correct or not because that 2pi is a constant that could be in the integral.</p>

<p>I'm not sure if the 2pi is part of the integrand point or part of the answer point, but it's certainly one or the other and not both.</p>