Question about 3 years of language or 2

Does it look better for colleges if you take 3 years of language or is it the same as if you take 2? I took level 2 language as a freshman and level 3 last year. Not taking any this year, but next year I’m a senior.

What do you plan to major in

medical field

btw level 3 means I already took the regents so I’m technically done with that

okay so if I were yo, I would check the academic requirements of the schools you want to apply to. Some require 2 years, some require 3 years.

Would you be learning a different language then?

Some colleges prefer to see level 4.

Some colleges have foreign language graduation requirements. Completing a higher level in high school may allow completing such a requirement in fewer courses in college.

Knowledge of a foreign language commonly spoken in the area can be helpful in medical practice.

just a thought but what if I were replacing the post regents language class with something much more difficult that looks better for college? specifically, multivariable calc (yes my HS offers it cuz its stem oriented).

Do what you want, not what you want colleges to see.

good point

If you want to take multivariable calc, then go for it. But beware, once you become a second-semester senior, you will experience senioritis. You can go hard in senior year, but don’t go too hard.

yep that senioritis does some baaaad things

Multivariable calculus is not generally needed for pre-med, unless your major requires it (e.g. math major, statistics major, physics major, math-heavy economics major, engineering major, etc.).

The thing is I find it really interesting. I’m not strictly sticking to a pre-med path; that’s more of something in the long run. Plus, I believe that I may benefit from taking multi instead of a language course.

What classes are you considering?
I’d recommend BOTH MV Calc and Foreign Language 4, if that’s possible, as both are core classes and if you already took Calculus BC I assume you need another math class.
However, if you plan to be premed, you will NOT need MV Calculus and you will need to be as fluent as possible in a foreign language as possible (both for college graduation and because it’s important if you volunteer at a clinic or hospice and patients don’t speak English.)

Thanks for your reply MYOS. I still have to consider, then. I still have some time before course selection.

It’s just that I don’t have that much time next year and if i do both MVC and foreign language, then i will have no free time during school so…

What classes would you take? List the classes you’re sure to take, then MV+FL, MV+sth else, FL+ sth else, sth else°sth else.

sorry for the really long reply
The classes I’m hoping to take are
ap English literature
ap microeconomics
ap physics c
ap calculus bc
multivariable calculus
ap music theory
2 free periods

Do you have block scheduling?
Because if not, you can’t take bc and MV together. Bc is the pre-req for MV.
One of these free periods should be FL4.,

nah at my school its a co-req, but thanks for the advice on replacing one of my frees. I think ill do that