<p>Will having a composite score of 29 on the ACT hurt my chances much? My Math score was 33 and my English was 32 FYI. Thanks in advance~</p>
<p>68% of UChicago enrolled students from last year had at least a 30.</p>
<p>Cited: <a href=“https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/admissions/classprofile.shtml[/url]”>https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/admissions/classprofile.shtml</a></p>
<p>So the answer is maybe.</p>
<p>But not too much right? I mean, i’m still in the middle 50%</p>
<p>One of my friends got accepted with a 26 or 27. I know she had some huge leadership stuff going for her. It shouldn’t kill your chances, especially if the rest of your application is strong, but it’s definitely not something to be worrying about at this point. Good luck!</p>
<p>Look, 68% of UChicago students had less than a 30. I had a 34 and I got deferred. </p>
<p>Test scores don’t matter that much. For Chicago, your essays are of #1 importance, if not close to being #1. </p>
<p>Just be yourself and good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. You all definately lightened my load.</p>
<p>OP - my daughter got the same ACT as you did (32 English and only 25 math) and may be applying next year. Someone has to get in from the low range of the mid-50% (and the bottom 25% for that matter), so why not you? We’ve just started seriously thinking about Chicago after the last mailing, so I’m no expert, but I do get the impression that they look at the whole person more than the statistics. Good luck!</p>
<p>Question. I took the ACT for the first time last fall (I’m a junior this year, thinking about applying EA next fall), and got a 25… I know, I’m almost embarassed to say. But, I do definitely intend on taking it again this spring, and probably again in the summer. I’m hoping that my other aspects help out my application, because, I have a feeling I’m going to need all the help I can get!! What do you guys think? I’m aware that a 25 in pretty low, but from what I’ve read, it seems that UChicago places more emphasis and attention on the other facets of your application, rather than judge you by your ACT score.</p>
<p>Have you taken the SAT? You don’t know which one you’ll do better on unless you’ve taken the PSAT (multiply your PSAT by ten and that will give you a rough idea of what your SAT score will be. It’s worth looking into. If you haven’t already, you might want to check out the SAT and ACT forum here…lots of good advice.</p>