<p>I have a question about activities. Where exactly do we describe the activity? There's one long line titled "Activity" and another shorter line under "Positions held, Honors Won, Letters Earned.."</p>
<p>In the instructions, it says "Use the space available to provide details of your activities and accomplishments."</p>
<p>Do we include activity description on the "positions held, honors won, etc.." line? Or do we include activity description on the line titled "Activity."</p>
<p>Either way, both lines look small.</p>
<p>There’s really not any room for you to “describe” the activity in detail
If there’s an activity that needs in depth descriptions, you may have to do it in the additional information section.</p>
<p>Well, on which line would we write a short description?</p>
<p>Depending on the uniqueness and broadness of your EC, you might consider attaching an additional brag sheet. It’s basically a two-paged document that explains your ECs in detail.</p>
<p>For example,</p>
<p>(continued…) ^</p>
<p>If you have something common like “Cheerleading, 9-12; co-captain; 2nd place at state,” then it is self-explanatory and doesn’t require further elaboration.</p>
<p>But say you have something like a club you founded to raise awareness of environmental health. Maybe it has an insure name. And maybe you do a lot in that club (fundraisers, speaking at local functions, advocacy events, service projects, etc), obviously you won’t have room to write it all on the Common App.</p>
<p>Instead, you could attach an additional sheet (affectionately known as the “brag sheet” at my school) to explain your position and duties and the impact of said EC.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info.</p>
<p>But what line of the common app do we write a short description on? For activities, there’s a line that says “Activity: ________”</p>
<p>And then a line under “Honors, Events, etc…”</p>
<p>The common app says we can write a short description of our activity. I’m assuming we would put it down next to “Activity:____,” but I’m not sure. I previously thought that line was reserved for the name of the activity.</p>
<p>How would you go along doing that online through common app?</p>
<p>I still don’t know which line to write the activity description on.</p>