question about ap test grading (chemistry specifically)

<p>I did extremely well on the multiple choice section of the test (5 worthy im pretty sure)</p>

<p>but on the free response i complete froze up and bombed it all except maybe a question or two (2 worthy).</p>

<p>so im takin a guess that maybe i got a 3 on the test (hopefully, it doesnt really make a difference for me)</p>

<p>but then i started freaking out about the idea of how good the first part of my test looked and how terrible the second part is. </p>

<p>Dont you think College board might think that is a little suspicious and like revoke my test or something?</p>

<p>Im probably blowing this out of proportion but its been on my mind. </p>

<p>I dont know why but soon as i hit the second part of that test i could not do anything or concentrate at all. I hit a wall.</p>

<p>You won't be penalized for that - it probably is nothing special to them at all :D</p>

<p>I think the only time that the cb will flag a test is when several tests from the same testing center look awfully alike (kids making the same exact mistakes... etc) </p>

<p>I did horribly on mc for my physics test, but did very good on the fr.</p>

<p>It shouldn't matter. Some people are better at recognizing the right answers when placed as choices before them but couldn't come up with them independently. Those people will likely have results somewhat similar to yours.</p>