Question about Berkeley breadth requirements..

<p>Due to the budget shortfall my CC canceled the winter intersession outright, so now my breadth requirements are in danger. Can someone clarify the following paragraph from the articulation agreement for me:</p>

<p>"Undergraduate students in the Business Administration major are required to
complete a 9-course breadth sequence. At least 7 breadth courses must be
completed prior to admission to the program, with remaining breadth courses
completed before graduation."</p>

<p>Does that mean 7-of-9 can be completed in CC with the remaining two to be completed in UCB before graduation, or does it mean 7-of-9 by the time they accept you, with planned completion of the remaining two before you actually transfer (graduate from CC).</p>

<p>You need at least 7/9 before transfer with the option to finish all 9 prior to transferring or save 2 for if you get in. Just curious, but how are your stats for Haas?</p>

<p>3.8 GPA
PTK, Dean's List, Katrina Volunteer
Former Sgt in the USMC / Iraq Veteran</p>

<p>Nice, good luck</p>

<p>UC Berkeley has stepped up its recruitment and support of veterans.
Veterans</a> Services at UC Berkeley</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>So there's NO way you could get into Business Administration major without completing ALL 7 breadth courses right???</p>

<p>If you only complete like 5 or 6 courses, will it be better if you give it a shot or just apply as an econ major? (with all econ pre-req fulfilled)</p>

<p>Thanks. I wasn't shooting for Berkeley originally but economics at UCSD or UCLA takes Calc 1B and that puts my plans off by a year. Its a long shot, but what the hell? Applying doesn't cost anything.</p>

<p>G'luck to you too, MB</p>

<p>You need at least 7, otherwise you will be among the 1000 rejected for not showing planned completion and your app won't even be reviewed.</p>

<p>Thanks izzy, for both your wishes and your services</p>