Question about CAP and Texas A&M

<p>I'm sure all of you are familiar with the question "should I take CAP and go into UT or should I go into Texas A&M?". My question, however, varies somewhat from that and it's slightly more complicated.</p>

<p>I'm actually in UTSA right now for CAP, and I'm pretty confident that I can pull off straight A's this semester and next semester. The one thing that worries me is whether I should take the sure path to UT or if I should go to Texas A&M. I'm sure you're wondering why the hell would I go to Texas A&M, but that's not really relevant to my question.</p>

<p>The thing I'm truly pondering about is the question whether or not I can apply to transfer into Texas A&M. There is also the question of whether or not my credits will transfer with me. (Mind you, I am forced to take beginning level classes).</p>

<p>Another question is, for economics, does it really matter which school I go to? I want to apply for graduate school after college (Either right after or after I get work experience), and I'm not sure if that would affect the decision whether or not I'm accepted. I also wonder if going to UT would enhance my chances of getting hired.</p>

<p>Wondering why you would come on an A&M board and suggest that going to A&M is a decision subpar to that of going to UT?</p>

<p>^I was thinking the same thing…</p>

<p>Huh? I never implied that. I’m on here, because I want to go to Texas A&M and I think it’s just as good as UT. I apologize. I can see why you would think that from what I wrote earlier.</p>

<p>Anyways, I originally wanted to go to UT because Economics is better overall there, rank-wise, but I like the A&M better as a whole (Which is why I’m asking this question). I just figured people would be wondering why I would suddenly decide to go to Texas A&M if I was at UTSA, doing CAP. Sorry for the misunderstanding.</p>

<p>We are all Aggies here, none of us would ever question why you would make the decision to go to A&M lol. But sorry I can’t help you, I don’t know enough about the CAP program.</p>

<p>OK, glad we got that out of the way. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>First the decision on which school is really just going to come down to which you prefer, which school “feels” right, because that’s where the biggest difference is.</p>

<p>They’re ranked pretty closely. I believe that, in general, there isn’t anything you can do with an economics degree from UT that you can’t do with one from TAMU.</p>

<p>US news and World Report has UT’s grad school for economics ranked #25, and TAMU ranked #42. Both are very respectable. I know that my company hires from both schools and holds both in esteem.</p>

<p>As far as what transfers – you just have to check. Here is the transfer equivalency page for TAMU from UTSA.</p>

<p><a href=“Texas A&M University - Transfer Course Equivalency System”>Howdy Security Block;

<p>And the requirement for transfer page:</p>

<p>[Ways</a> to be Admitted](<a href=“]Ways”></p>

<p>I would think if you have a for sure thing with CAP, the transfer to TAMU might be slightly more cumbersome. But if you like TAMU and really want to go there, I would call your intended school and talk to someone.</p>