Question About CPA Requirements

<p>I already have some idea of what the requirements are for being a CPA in New York.</p>

<p>I go to Duke, which doesn't have a formal Accounting program but still has accounting classes.</p>

<p>Since I won't be graduating from college with an accounting degree, I was wondering if I could get a Masters in Accounting and then take the CPA exam right after or would I need an MBA?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>You don't need a MBA, but there's quite a few steps. Meeting New York's education requirements ( NYS</a> Public Accounting - License Requirements ) is the first step. You can search through that website to find how to meet the experience and exam requirements.</p>

<p>Definitely read the thread called<br>
"Everything you wanted to know or should know about accounting". It's a wealth of information.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting me know of these links.
I learned a lot.
I know exactly what I need to do to get a CPA.</p>