<p>I'm a junior, about to apply to colleges in the fall and I've gone and read plenty about Northwestern, Georgetown, and Vanderbilt. </p>
<p>I know I'm going to have to visit the colleges to really make up my mind, but can anyone tell me anything to really persuade me that Northwestern should be my number one choice. </p>
<p>I've thought I've wanted to go there for years, but it's tough really making my mind up about where I want to be the next four years. Since I've worked so hard in high school, I feel like I should go to the best college available (that suits me). I'm interested in journalism and everyone knows about Northwestern's journalism program, but I also want to have fun! </p>
<p>Is Northwestern really as much work as you hear, can I have the same kind of social life I would at a less prestigious college? </p>
<p>Basically, I want to know if people who go there HAVE FUN lol because while i do want to go to college to learn the most i can, I feel like I deserve to have fun after working so hard to (hopefully) get in.</p>