<p>"yeah if we're old enough to die for GW BUSH, then we can surely drink..."</p>
<p>"yeah if we're old enough to die for GW BUSH, then we can surely drink..."</p>
<p>ooh damn. thats bit harsh. i agree w/ you pple though. 21 is ludicrous. 15.5 is even more ludicrous.</p>
<p>I agree with previous comments that the drinking age should be lowered. In many European countries, the drinking age is around 16 but kids can't drive until 18. Drunk driving isn't nearly as big of a problem among young people there because alcohol isn't nearly as exciting by the time they get their licenses.</p>
<p>SydneyAnn did not get burned, SydneyAnn has a life. My point is also nowhere near moot. I've done the "socializing" thing and, sorry, but having my ass grabbed by drunken frat boys is not at all appealing. </p>
<p>And I stand by my comments. Two girls in my neighborhood, both 17, both from extremely permissive households where drinking was allowed, died in a horrible car accident right before Christmas. The cause of the accident? The driver, one of the girls, was drunk. Now this girl was exposed to all sorts of alcohol from a very young age, her parents were from Italy and I believe she spent most of her childhood there. The fact is that when you're a kid (and, sorry, 17 or 18 is not a grown-up- nowhere near one) you simply cannot handle it, no matter how exposed to drinking you are. Sorry, but that's the truth. </p>
<p>And don't think I'm a teetotaler, or something. I like a Martini with a twist or Manhattan every once in a while. I drink in moderation though, a concept kids cannot seem to grasp... which is why I firmly believe in the drinking age.</p>
<p>Is it okay for us to die in Iraq too?</p>
<p>No one said you have to enlist. And if you're ever drafted, move to Canada! It's what I'd do.</p>
<p>But the drinking age in Canada is 18.</p>
<p>Yes, but everyone knows Canadians handle their alcohol better than Americans. Something to do with the cold weather, I think. Makes you more hardy.</p>
<p>SydneyAnn: Nothing you say makes any sense. Again, stop your preaching, this isn't the place for it. This is a NYU discussion board, not AA. First you claim someone 17 or 18 can't handle alcohol, but somehow Canadians can. Thus I can easily argue Canadians handle it better because they are allowed to drink at a younger age. </p>
<p>I won't even comment on your advocating of draft dodging, which by the way is a crime.</p>
<p>As is underage drinking. I win!</p>
<p>Oh, and everything I say makes sense, you just don't want to listen.</p>
<p>Call me crazy, but I think draft dodging is a tad more serious than college drinking--which by the way is not a crime. Procuring and selling of (not consumption of) alcohol while underage is a violation (like a parking ticket-not a crime), crimes are misdemeanors and felonies. </p>
<p>Even if Canadians handle alcohol better, it do has nothing to with nationality or cold weather, but everything to do with the fact they start drinking at an earlier age. If your logic is correct, we should make the drinking age in Alaska the same as Canada, since you think cold weather apparently improves one's ability to handle booze. </p>
<p>Once again, nothing you say makes any sense.</p>
<p>Honey, the Canadians handle alcohol better thing was a joke. You've heard of those, correct? Here's the definition: [URL=<a href="http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=joke%5Djoke%5B/URL">http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=joke]joke[/URL</a>].</p>
<p>Gosh, you kids sure want your alcohol, don't you? Willing to argue so much over it. I have a reason, I've just had knee surgery and have all the time in the world to sit around and annoy people on the internet. What's your excuse, shouldn't you be out "socializing?"</p>
<p>And once again, everything I say makes sense.</p>
<p>Okay well something you just said did make sense. At least you admit you annoy people and don't add any value to the discussion. The fact that not a single person here supports you should speak volumes to this point. </p>
<p>A joke has to be made in a humourous context not in response to a serious inquiry in what was a spirited debate; do you have an IQ of 80?</p>
<p>As for me socializing, it's called winter break and I don't drink 24/7. However the more important question is why is someone your age on an internet board composed of mostly 17-19 year olds (i.e. underage people).</p>
<p>I actually have an IQ of 138. And I'm 23 and just starting college after spending many years living and traveling in Italy, Spain, France, Scotland, Australia, and England. It's called life experience. I find it's helped me decide what I'd like to do with my life better than just being a mindless automaton and going to college right after high school like mommy and daddy demand. I initially used this board to find inside info on the various schools I'll no doubt be accepted to, but the attitude of many here is quite offputting and I might not hang around for too long.</p>
<p>And I add much value to the discussion. It's your condescending replies that led me to add the annoying posts. Do you honestly believe that my suggestion of going to a gallery or a show instead of wasting time slumped on a bar stool holds no merit? Enriching your life makes no sense? Sad.</p>
<p>is there a reason your on this board? no ones going to stop drinking nor are you influencing anyones opinions... no offense - its just that we are highschool/college students theres no arguing about this issue...</p>
<p>"I actually have an IQ of 138"</p>
<p>cover charge: $5
6 pack of corona: $12
feeling the need to prove yourself on college confidential, an online message board: priceless</p>
<p>If I were you, I would actually get accepted first before you claim things like that. My so called "condescending replies" came in response to your annoying posts. All you're doing here is senseless preaching that nobody cares for. You're pretty naive to think that someone who is 18 can't have life experience. I've been to every one of those countries listed save Italy. </p>
<p>Drinking at a bar and going to a gallery are not mutually exclusive you know. In fact, in my freshman year at NYU, I've found the theme to be work hard, play hard. Contrary to what you may think, everyone here isn't a drunk. Yeah sure, some drink and party pretty hard, but these same people do well in school, play sports, have jobs, are in schoool clubs, and yes also go to gallaries.</p>
<p>damn. we all need to just .....relax</p>
<p>firewalker, if you're going to NYU, you better get well adjusted to petty drama.</p>
<p>Petty drama is right, lol. I'll tell you this much though firewalker, if you get a 23 year old in one of your freshmen MAP classes next year tellling you about all the evils of drinking, you'll know who it is.</p>