Question about Final Exam Schedule

<p>D is an incoming freshman, so this is all new to us. . .</p>

<p>I just looked at the final exam schedule for fall to figure out when D can come home for break, and I am a bit confused, as her class days/times don’t exactly line up with the schedule. If a specified exam time is for a class first scheduled to meet from 2-2:50 MWF, would that also be the exam time for a class that meets MW from 2-3:15? Likewise, would the exam time for a class first scheduled to meet TR 3-3:50 be the exam time for a class that meets R 3:30-6:00? And for the math classes that meet MTWR, do they have their exam time based on the Wednesday meeting, since the first day of the semester is a Wednesday? Finally, is there a CBH exam, or just a final project?</p>

<p>I don’t know what I would do without this forum. There is so much information out there and so many things that can fall through the cracks - it can be overwhelming.</p>

<p>Class days/times do NOT line up with exam days/times because exams are for longer periods and because, as you’ve noted, some have odd meeting days. Therefore, an 10 am MWF class, may have its final exam at 11:20 am on Wednesday. A 2pm Tues/Thurs class may have its exam at 8am on Thursday. Also, a MWF class may have its exam on a Tues or Thursday. </p>

<p>You just have to look up each class’s exam time to determine the schedule for finals. </p>

<p>CBH doesn’t have an exam…it has a project.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We’ve been a little confused as well, Beth’s Mom. Specifically, my D has a class that is MTWR at 1:00. According to the schedule, it seems that her final exam could be either Tues at 11:30 or Friday at 11:30 (which is probably the most logical choice). I am assuming that the syllabus will give the time. It would be helpful to know for planning purposes.</p>

<p>I guess I didn’t phrase my question correctly. I understand that exam times are not the same as class times, and I did look at the exam schedule on the registrar’s site. But, for instance, I could not find something for a class that was MW from 2-3:15. I found an exam time for a class that was MWF from 2-2:50. So would that be the exam time for the MW class? Similarly, I couldn’t find a listing for a class that is Thursday from 3:30 to 6. Would the exam time for that class be the same as the exam time for a class that was TR from 3-3:50? I’m sure it has something to do with the “first meeting” language, but I just want to make sure I’m looking at this correctly.</p>

<p>Oh, and we have the same issue as Lattelady with the math class that’s MTWR at 1. I’m assuming the final is 12/14 at 11:30, which would be the time for a MWF class, but I’m not at all sure.</p>

<p>Finals are based on the FIRST class day and time. So a class that meets MTWR would go by the Monday since that is when the class FIRST meets. </p>

<p>As for the time, it’s when the class starts anytime in between the times listed. So a class that meets TR from 3:30 - 4:45 would fall under the T/R 3:00 - 3:50 time slot. It’s ONLY what time the class starts NOT when it finishes. So to answer your question about the Thursday class from 3:30 - 6:00 it would be on thurs Dec 13th from 7pm - 9:30 pm</p>

<p>There are departmental exams scheduled for some of the foreign languages and computer science classes. Those negate the exams based on the above rules.</p>

<p>Thanks Casino! I’ve got it figured out now.</p>

<p>Would there be a separate lab exam for BSC 108?</p>



<p>No, the final will be for the lecture part of the class only.</p>

<p>I’m not booking winter break tickets until S sees the syllabi. There may be a class that has a paper instead of an exam & he may drop a class as he has 6.</p>

<p>I definitely agree about waiting to book tickets. My son had a strange situation happen this past spring. The exam for one of his classes was set for one day, according to the schedule. The professor moved it to another during that same week. Even put it on the syllabus. But about a week before the exam, he mentioned in class that it was a different day. My son, and several others, heard him say the change. The day of the exam, as listed on the syllabus, my son thought he should e-mail the professor, just to double check. He got an e-mail back saying that the exam was indeed that night. Fortunately, he was prepared, well, sort of. He showed up in his swim trucks and t-shirt – he had e-mailed the professor poolside.</p>

<p>I understand that profs can change the exam time, but with Southwest we could change the ticket without a fee- correct?</p>

<p>I believe that’s correct on Southwest ([No</a> Change Fees And Bags Fly Free - Southwest Airlines](<a href=“]No”> Yet another reason to love that airline! I would also recommend not buying tickets right now. It’s too early to know what the prof’s plans will be. Half the time, the students have to remind him/her when the scheduled final exam is. Also, just keep in mind that some labs do have a final. AEM 251 (mechanics of materials lab) has one, but I had mine (well, was supposed to have it) on the last day of dead week.</p>