Question about Frats at rutgers!

<p>I'm interested in joining a frat. What are considered the "good" frats on rutgers? Has some good parties, active. Or just list the well known ones and list the negatives (hard as hell hazing, etc) and positives!
thank you!</p>

<p>dont do it!</p>

<p>let me back up my point... i know a guy and a girl that are in a frat and sorority. The frat has way too many parties and the guy is always falling behind in school. Too much of a social life. Throughout the year I saw guys that were in a frat always walking to their dorms late at night like 2 or 3 in all black walking like they were in the military all by themselves. weird. Also you are forced to like everyone in the frat. And some of them can be complete tools. The girl use to be an all A's student. Shes in the business school at rutgers. a lot of the girls in her sorority do coke and she said she never would get involved. this past semester she got involved. she got a brick thrown through her apartment window. and she got all C's instead of all A's. Furthermore a lot of trashy girls like to hang out at frats. I have heard of many disgusting stories about one girl in particular who the frat basically shared if you know what i mean. So in my personal opinion i would stay away. Focus on school but have your own social live not one thats forced upon you.</p>

<p>thank you for the information! Are you sure ALL the frats are like that? that sounds horrible and something i do wish to avoid if so.</p>

<p>thanks again! would like more input from others!</p>

<p>im sure not all are like that but they do consume a lot of your time.</p>

<p>Haha, yeah, I don't think ALL of them are like that. </p>

<p>Check the frat/sorority page on the "get involved" site for Rutgers to learn about fraternities at Rutgers (ranging from ethnic to academic-based, like engineering for example):
Chapters</a> - Fraternities and Sororities - Rutgers University Student Life</p>

<p>Check out some of the chapters (via a link to their webpage) and see if anything interest you. Then, make sure you head over to the Fall involvement fair (on August 31st @ Voorhees Mall on College Avenue) to meet with a couple of fraternities -- talk to them and ask questions. </p>

<p>Once you find one (or more) that interest you, make sure that you go out to rush events to get a "taste" of what the frat is about, while getting to know the brothers. If you really like a fraternity, I suggest you make it to as many events as possible to show them that you have a strong interest, thus increasing your likelihood of receiving a bid.</p>

<p>I don't know so much about the type of frats/sororities that JBO86 mentioned (not that I doubt him or her), but any respectable frat requires that you maintain a certain GPA (usually 2.5 or something like that). You might be forced to like the people in your frat (it makes sense), but if you feel that you don't fit in or feel comfortable with the members, then move on and find a group that you like. This is the reason for rush events -- to find your place and find people you are comfortable with =)</p>

<p>You're always the princess during rush events; you find out what the frat is really like during the pledging process and afterward.</p>

<p>you just have to be careful when choosing a frat. im sure there are some decent ones out there. but even the decent ones may have its downsides. i went to a couple of the engineering frat parties last semester and it seemed like there were always shady people there. always somebody trying to start stuff. my gf was in a sorority before i started dating her and it all just sounded like a mess. so if you are REALLY interested in joining a frat do your research before committing to one because they can get in the way of school even if they do make you maintain a certain gpa usually they arent very high. Like what MushaboomBlue said maintain a 2.5. But thats not very hard to do. I could probably do that drunk everyday.</p>

<p>Hmmm, maybe a frat isn't such a good idea, haha. I'm sure you'll find at least ONE that you like.</p>

<p>I'll admit -- I know this one kid who's in an engineering frat and I heard him state how in one instance how they had to know the answers to a couple of questions or else if they got it wrong they would have to stick their hand in a toilet or something. This other girl I know was forced to talk to nobody until pledging was over. I thought that was a bit extreme.</p>

<p>Yeah, and a 2.5 isn't really that hard to maintain. I think you can get C+ in all of your classes to get a 2.5. Haha, I remember how in an article in The Daily Targum they made such a big deal in an article how frats this year have a higher GPA cumulative than last year -- I think like a 2.8 or something, lol.</p>

<p>kk240dc, I'm curious, why do you want a join a frat? JBO86 is right -- it does consume some of your time, especially during pledging.</p>

<p>i enjoy parties, girls, and being part of something pretty dominate on campus. :|</p>

<p>friends of mine are in sororities/frats and the hazing is ridiculous. some of the stories are really extreme, so just be prepared to do anything for you "friends" . plus, it costs alot of money.</p>

<p>tell me some of the stories</p>

<p>please! i'm curious</p>

<p>Haha, I'm kinda curious too, now.</p>


<p>It costs a C R @ P L O A D of money. Some of the ones I've heard are 1) you can't talk to anyone 2) you have to walk in corners (like in the military) 3) they lock you in the room with x amount of kegs and can't leave until you finish them 4) the whole donut thing 5) leaving you in downtown new brunswick at 1:00 AM with a map while drunk</p>

<p>Your imagination is the limit</p>

<p>a friend said that him and his pledge class were left in the middle of no where with no money, no id or anything like that and had to get back to school. they did have a keg(empty), a traffic cone, and other random items that thye had to bring back with them.
a story of a sorority girl was being left in the woods alone naked and had to get back.
my friends sorority pledgge class wasnt allowed to have their phones for more then an hour a day, they had to shhare shower time, they had to live in the sorority house for like 2 of my guy friends had to "chain-hold" the rest of his pledge class ( as in holding each others stuff lol ) until someone gaveup/got happy lol.
memorization of the greek alphabet and all the frats/sororities, and also about the whole frat/sorotiy.most of them always had to carry a pack of ciggarrettes, gum and change for the payphone.calling the sister/brother by their nickname or ma'am sir.</p>

<p>i cant remember the rest. really anything you can dream of they could say for you to do and you would either have to do or walk out.
i dont understand the desire to join lol.</p>

<p>i also heard the story of finishing the alcohol before you leave the house. his "brother" bought him a bottle and he had to finish it beofre leaving the house.
sorority pledge class went on 72 hour scavenger hunts, which were like fri- sunday and she had tests on monday.</p>

<p>"one of my guy friends had to "chain-hold" the rest of his pledge class (as in holding each others stuff lol ) until someone gaveup/got happy lol."</p>

<p>I used to think that The Medium were joking about homoerotic things like that, lol. </p>

<p>Is it really worth it just to go through crap like that just to try and make "friends" and to network with one another down the line?</p>

<p>nope. I may look at frats still but after asking around and finding **** about the pledging process, I don't think it's worth it at all. I like partying, but the amount of drinking it seems like I have to do to pledge will get me very sick. I wouldn't mind if it was hardcore physical training though..... I'll pass.</p>