Question about housing

<p>I'm an upcoming freshman, and I'm kind of worried because I've been reading the other threads, and it seemed like they had 3 choices of dorms on their housing applications.... </p>

<p>When I was filling out mine, I could only rate the five campuses... and that was all...</p>

<p>I enrolled to the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, if that matters at all....</p>

<p>I don't think you should worry that much 'cause mine was the exact same thing... wait, maybe we should be worrying. Maybe this means that Rutgers hates both of us and that they feel that we aren't important enough to choose our dorms. Oh shyt!<br>
We're gonna have to live in the basement and they're gonna burn off our finger prints and put masks on us so that there is no way to identify our bodies. Dude, we're screwed.</p>

<p>I got the same thing. I think you find out what campus you live on first and from there you get to choose what residence hall on that campus you want (or it might be chosen for you, lottery style, or something).</p>