Question about Loyola Chicago

My daughter has an interest in Loyola Chicago because of the CJ program, which looks to be quite extensive. I have two questions:

  1. Do her stats measure up for admission? Any chance of any merit aid? 3.4 UW, 3.9 W; 29 ACT; 6 APs with good scores; good ECs; trilingual.
  2. Does anyone have any insight into the quality of the criminal justice program?

My D was accepted (w/ merit) with a 3.56W; 30 ACT, 5 AP’s, good EC’s and community service so I would say she has a better than pretty good chance. My D applied around Oct. 1 and found out her acceptance on Nov. 8.

My D was accepted and had a really good merit aid - she was at 3.5 UW / 4.09 W, 31 ACT. Also, Criminal Justice is looked at very well, especially among the Chicago Police that I know.

@sirpher1 - Thank you. My D got the acceptance letter just a couple of days ago. She was delighted and it came with merit aid, so I was delighted too. Loyola Chicago is pretty high up on her list, though we have not actually been to the campus yet.

@suburbancat congrats to your daughter! I was accepted as well and I’m so excited! I live in the Chicago area and I think a visit to campus is definitely worth the trip, Loyola is even more gorgeous in person. (Although I’d recommend coming when it’s warmer hahaha) Good luck with everything!

@suburbancat - Glad she got in, especially with the merit aid. My nephew is a Freshman there and he is really enjoying the school. The only thing that is a bit tricky with Loyola is that they have 2 campuses. The main campus is on the Lake Shore (north side of Chicago) and that is a great campus and easy to get around everywhere and it is right up against Lake Michigan. The other campus is Downtown about 8 miles south of the Lake Shore campus and is mainly Business and Education majors. My D is a business, so she didn’t like that she would have classes on both campuses and have to travel between the 2, although my nephew is doing the commute and says it is not too much of a hassle. I do believe that the Criminal Justice major is all on the Lake Shore campus.

@sirpher1 - Thank you. I’d be interested to hear more about what your nephew likes about the school. It looks lovely in the photos and the programs, including the core general ed program, seem really good. But it’s hard to judge the vibe of a place if you have not been there. Do most students stay around on weekends? My D would not be able to come home, so this is of interest too.

@suburbancat - talking with my nephew, most of the people in the dorms stay around for the weekends, although only about 1/3 of the students live in the dorms. My nephew is from Indianapolis, so he stays every weekend, comes home for holidays. He also said that every once in a while, they will go up to Northwestern (which is about 4 miles north of Loyola) to visit friends that he has there.