<p>Okay, so there's like one day before classes are over and we get our one week before graduation break.</p>
<p>My grades are CRAP this semester..</p>
<p>AP Econ ... B
Health Occupations ... F
Senior English... D
Sociology ... C
AP Chemistry ... C
Honors Pre-Calc ... C</p>
<p>Last semester...(wasn't so bad)</p>
<p>AP Psychology ... B
Health Occupations ... B
Senior English... C
AP Civics ... B
AP Chemistry ... A
Honors Pre-Calc ... B</p>
<p>My first three years at high school, I've received A's and B's with the occasional C and I got a 27 on the ACT.</p>
<p>Do you think these grades would result in a withdrawal of admissions from UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago?) especially that F in Health occ (since it's an elective?)</p>
<p>the college wouldnt have said anything because the college wouldnt know</p>
<p>yeah dude, that is reason to be rescinded... there was a featured thread about it before - basically if u get an F or a D they give you a warning or ask you to do it in summer school, but if you get both and the rest of your grades are bad they might rescind you - call them ASAP and talk/explain with them... theyll b more sympathetic that way</p>
<p>i could see getting resceinded over this. it's not like you got one F in a class but did well in others, you got a F and a D and your GPA is a 1.67...</p>
<p>I have an F in PE... but the college shouldnt care because I think they only look at academic classes plus I already have enough PE credits to graduate</p>
<p>Alright so I call the admissions office and asked the person that picked up if my second semester senior grades will result in a revoke of my admission, I didn't even tell her what kind of grades I was getting....She automatically said senior grades will not harm my admission standing, and that the worst that could happen to me is academic probation if my grades are <em>that</em> bad.</p>
<p>I don't know if she was lying or whatever, but I may call back another time to confirm it with another admissions representative.</p>
<p>^Just in case anyone going to UIC wants to know.</p>