Question about myBerkeleyApplication

<p>Hi Everyone!</p>

<p>I am trying to fill out the myBerkeleyApplication today. I talked to one of my friends today.
I found out that we have different forms required from UC Berkeley.</p>

<p>I need to fill in these forms as below:</p>

<p>UC Transferable Courses Summary<br>
Summarize grades/units of your UC transferable courses.</p>

<p>Major Prerequisites<br>
Record your grades in courses that could be used to satisfy prerequisites for your intended major.</p>

<p>Breadth Requirements<br>
Record your courses that will satisfy our general education requirements (e.g. IGETC or Essential Skills).</p>

<p>Transfer Application Update<br>
Record your fall grades and courses you are enrolled in or plan to complete prior to transfer on the University of California Transfer Application Update website (available January 8th).</p>

<p>But, he only has to fill in Major Prerequisites? He won't finish IGETC by Spring.</p>

<p>Does everyone have to fill in UC Transferable Courses Summary, Major Prerequisites, and Breadth Requirements?</p>

<p>I am freaking out right now. Please HELP!!! Thank you!</p>

<p>I think it depends on what college you apply to</p>

<p>What is there to freak out about? I also have different forms, because I’m applying to a different college within Berkeley.</p>