Question about Southeast dorms!

HI so I am looking for a great college experience! I am very into school but also i do like to have fun. I know that Sellery and Witte are known as the party dorms. Are you able to find a party anywhere on campus, like Chadbourne? Fun people live in other dorms too right?

Of course fun people live in all the dorms and note that alcohol is not allowed in any dorm and is grounds for termination of housing contract on the first offense.

Of course students who live all over campus like to have fun. Choose your dorm based on where you want to spend every evening and where you want to be able to relax from classes. For some it is the big city excitement outside their door and living in a high rise. For others it is being able to find a quiet lakeside spot just a couple of flights down the stairs at most and out the door. For all it is walking distance to State St and the Lakeshore area. There will be partiers in every dorm. Do remember the alcohol rules- underage drinking IS a cause for dismissal from housing.

PS- partying/having fun does not need alcohol- at any age.

They will not kick you out of the dorms from having alcohol. If you’re habitually caught, then yes, perhaps you will be dismissed.

The only one-and-done strictly enforced is if you’re sent to detox. Anyone sent to detox has their housing contract cancelled. There’s a considerable difference between possessing alcohol and being so drunk that you need to go to detox.

That being said, be careful. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Know your limits.