<p>Hi, I am taking summer classes at berkeley now</p>
<p>i am currently enrolled for 7 units but depending on the situation i might reduce my units to 3 or 4 units (drop one class)</p>
<p>I got financial aid so far.. and even got a refund for few hundred dollars</p>
<p>does anyone know what exactly happens if i go down below 6 units?</p>
<p>Would i be billed for all the money refunded + summer fee?</p>
<p>and when exactly would i have to pay this back in order for my future enrollments not to be blocked (due to the not paid fees)</p>
<p>and also, are there any loans available from university even if I do not qualify for fin aid? how about work study
I read the FAQs and still are little confused about these</p>
<p>if anyone can give inputs that would be great</p>
<p>thank you</p>