<p>So the prompt is "Describe the world you come from for example, your family, community or school and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations." The dreams and aspirations part of my essay has to do with me wanting to become an attorney. Should I include what I have done so far (in high school) to make this attainable and how I feel attending university will prepare me for the rigors of law school and the legal world?</p>
<p>Yes, to a degree, but make sure not to repeat info that you already have in your app too much. Personally, I wouldn’t focus too much on how attending the university will prepare you for the legal world because it isn’t talking about your world and where you have come from, but it might be good to include a brief sentence or two about that, especially towards your conclusion.</p>
<p>Thank you calisunshine27. Yeah that’s what I did, it’s near the end of my last body paragraph and it’s relatively brief, about three sentences. Anyone else? All advice and insight would be really appreciated.</p>
<p>bump…anyone else? I’ll help you out if you help me out. :)</p>
<p>you want it to be personal and able to stand out against other essays. find something unique about yourself and roll with it. I talked about a subject, but then i used that subject to expand upon. i discussed where i want to be going and doing, and i talked about how my life now had helped me go that direction. i know that’s broad, but hopefully that helps a little. you only have a few days left, but try running it by a teacher. having someone else read it helps a lot. good luck!</p>