Question for Former UCLA Anthropology B.S admits

i was wondering since ANTHROPOLOGY B.S. isn't impacted, do you have to finish all pre-reqs or should we finish igetc.
It would be nice former Anthro B.S. admits answer this.
If you can tell me your gpa and if you finished igetc it would be a nice reference

<p>Theres a tiny loophole into getting in with an anthropology bs major. I was going to apply as an anthro bs major, and to do so, youd need igetc, and pretty much all of the pre-reqs a life science major would take. While i did take those classes, i didnt do so hot. So i applied as a Anthro BA, which is far easier to get in with. Got in, and during orientation, i talked to Ann Walters, the anthropology undergraduate adviser about switching from BA to BS, and she saids its no trouble at all. First day of class, i went to her office, and she punched a few keys and i became a Anthro BS major. gotta love loopholes.</p>

<p>-so you took all the biology classes, igetc and all the pre-reqs for anthro b.a?
-When you got into UCLA, did you still have to take some lower division classes?
-Do you think its possible to get in if you don’t finish all pre-reqs?
-How Long did it take for you to transfer?
thanks David for answering my questions =)
very much appreciated</p>