Can anyone explain it to me? Would I be doing a public service if I somehow posted a new thread that would remove the FBI thread from its place of prominence, or would people be sad to see it go?
@thumper1 When I click on the “Discuss and Interact” tab I can see all of the categories followed by a single thread is next to each category. The Colleges and Universities category is right under “parents forum.” If you go to the main discussion page and do a search for FBI you will find it. Apparently this has been more of a mystery for me than for others:)
I visit the Colleges and Universities page daily, usually from the left menu from Top Forums. The Colleges and Universities page itself doesn’t really change, but you drill-down to find particular schools. For example, both my children attended schools in the CC Top Liberal Arts Colleges category. There are frequent postings for particular colleges/universities in this forum.
My guess is that particular thread is displayed because it appears under the U.S. Service Academies category. No other category has a thread underneath it. I think they changed the format a few years back so you are not permitted to create a new thread under a sub-category (or for Colleges and Universities), only inside a particular school’s area. Since it’s the only thread in the entire Colleges and Universities area that’s why it’s displaying (and never updates).
@MaineLonghorn I figured it out, it just said SubTopics - no threads found, but I just realized I need to click on SubTopics, and there they were. (I hadn’t needed to do that previously). Duh. Thanks.