Question for someone in baruch deans scholars or macaulay

Hi guys i am going to be attending baruch deans scholars program next year. I went to a high ranked top 100 high school. In school i really didn’t give much effort and had an overall 90 weighted average. In college i’m going to try much harder. The minimum gpa for my scholarship is 3.2 so that makes me concerned about picking a hard major. Any suggestions on a major that is easier to keep a high gpa?


Current dean’s scholar here. 3.2 is pretty easy to maintain since dean’s scholars don’t have to take honors classes. I’m undecided right now but might major in accounting. Most other dean’s scholars I know are majoring in business-related things. Very few arts and sciences or public affairs people. Don’t be too concerned about keeping a super high gpa. See what intro classes you enjoy and pick your major from there.