question for those famaliar with honors program..

<p>Most CCC have a requirement for the honors program such as a 3.5 cumlative GPA, 1000 SAT1 score, and eligibility for english writing (ENGL100/ ENglish1A). Since most people going to CCC are people who slipped in high school, only a select few may have the eligibility to enroll in the honors program right out of high school. The requirements to join the honors program once you take a semester of college is basically maintain a minimum of 3.5 GPA. Mt Sac states that you need to maintain a minimum of 6 honors courses with a 3.2 GPA in order to be honors certified. Does this mean that I don't really need to start out in honors as in I can join the honors program later on and still complete on time?</p>

<p>How long would it take to complete 6 courses? Is that just 6 semester classes?</p>

<p>Source: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Usually honors programs are in a seminar format, and it would take roughly 4-6 semesters to complete the program. At least thats the way it was done in the honors programs in Maine</p>

<p>6 courses take a year usually.</p>