<li><p>I have 5 classes in all, and there are only 4 lines.... where do I fit the other one in? I don't want to make it look sloppy and ugly and stuff...</p></li>
<li><p>When they ask you on the app if you're planning to take summer courses, would something such as asking a 6 month nursing course, or a 6 month EMT basic course count as a summer course? Or do they mean actual; college coruses like math, science, etc.?</p></li>
<p>1) Your transcript will show all 5 courses. But try squeezing the 5th one under the 4th line, using a smaller font/type. I took 6 classes each semester, so try to imagine what I went through!</p>
<p>2) They mean actual college courses for credit.</p>
<p>wow 7 courses? How many credits are you all taking? I’m taking 5 courses, 3 science courses with labs, 1 english, and 1 math. Total of 18 credits here :O!! Funny thing is that my labs do not count as any credits and they r 3 hours per week for each of my science courses.</p>