question on unweighted GPA at university of miami

<p>Hello, I am a worried sophomore from albuquerque, new mexico and was wondering about the stats that University of Miami posts. In their view books, they publish their average GPA as a 4.04. I do not know if this is weighted or not. My school does not weigh and i am nervous because my stats are not that high. Are my chances doomed, or is this GPA weighted? Any feedback would be very helpfulThanks.</p>

<p>That is a weighted GPA. My daughter's HS does not weigh either. She had a 3.7 and got in.</p>

<p>You can't have more than a 4.0 unweighted. Thus, the 4.04 average GPA is weighted. Note, this means that 50% got under 4.04 weighted GPA. Thus, it is NOT the minimum required GPA.</p>

<p>Just for the record, depending on the weight that your school provides, an unweighted 4.04 usually approximates about a 3.5 unweighted GPA with mostly honors and AP courses.</p>

<p>We visited UM the summer before my son entered his senior year. His GPA going into his senior year was a 3.77 weighted. After our tour, hearing aobut the 4.2 average GPA, we never thought he would get in --he almost did not apply, it was an afterthought; the last application he checked off on the common applic. Then we did not hear from UM for a long long time. He did not get his acceptance letter till mid April. His GPA went up to a 3.8 in his senior year after 7th semester grades, and he sent in a mid term report. His SAT's also went up considerably in November 05 (the last SAT's he took). And he got in with a nice scholarship offer. His stats when all was said and done were a 3.818 weighted GPA and 2030 SAT (760 CR, 570M,700W). His unweighted GPA is about 3.5 or a bit higher. So, I think the hooplala about the 4.0++ average GPA may be true, but it is an AVERAGE GPA and i do believe anyone with a 3.5 unweighted has a good shot. It is funny how it works out; we never thought he would be going to UM; he had picked northeastern schools that were smaller, but when we did the math in terms of scholarship offers--UM was great and the program, which we did not really look into on our visit there because we never thoght he would get in-turns out also to be very good--he is going into communic/motion pics and a double major of anthropology. We are all very excited and I think it pays to throw those last minute applications, especially the "reach" applications in!!</p>

<p>i had a 3.4 and got the singer (full) scholarship, so 4.04 is defintily not a requirement</p>