Weighted GPA?

<p>Today a student from the University of Maryland Engineering school came to talk to us about the engineering school and about college in general. I wasn't really interested in the topic, since I already know that I'm going to UMiami for marine biology after I graduate in a year and a half, but I did catch one thing she said about weighted GPA. She said that no matter your class rank or your current weighted GPA, most colleges will reweight it. Does anyone know if Miami reweights your GPA, and how their weighting system works if they do?</p>

<p>After attending many college and University information sessions the schools all seem to say just about the same thing. First the schools will look at your unweighted GPA, then they will look at your rigor of curriculum and standardized test scores. After that they look at other factors such as EC, essays, etc. CAVEAT: if you are being recruited for sports above does not apply in the same way.</p>

<p>Couple of months ago, a UM admissions officer came to my high school for a presentation. She said that UM does NOT re-weight GPAs.</p>