Question on year financial aid after missing deadline and attending a year.

<p>So I wasn't exactly sure how to phrase the title in a more eloquent way but anyways. I missed the Cal Grant/March 2nd deadline because I've always been told the deadline was Sept 2 by my CCC (they never told me it was only for continuing students) but I guess I should of brushed up on my financial aid business info in my transferring year... </p>

<p>So basically I'm only sure of getting the Pell grant now and I can only hope for a reduced cal grant/SUG but for the **next academic year<a href="'14-'15">/B</a> can I apply for the normal Cal grant or am I only able to apply for the competitive cal grant because I missed the entitlement grant this year? </p>

<p>Will I be eligible for the SUG (state university grant)? My EFC is around 2k from what I can see (I can only get 3.5k for the Pell). I'll either be attending CPP or CSULB since I can commute to both in 15min and 35min respectively.</p>