Question regarding Community college classes

Question regarding Community college classes

  1. Are all the classes ( Transferable to CSU & UC , credit 3) taken in community college will be counted for UCGPA?

  2. My daughter took Living Earth & AP Biology from school and
    BIOL -102-13 & BIOL-110-03 (Biology of Human Cancer) from Community college.
    Do all these 4 courses will be added to her UC GPA?

Yes, all CC courses that are CSU or UC transferable will be considered part of the UC or CSU GPA calculation. Not all classes taken at a CC will be CSU/UC transferable however.

For UC’s, 1 semester CC course = 1 grade listed on UC application = 1 honors point in the UC GPA calculation. UC’s have 3 different UC GPA calculations: Unweighted, Capped weighted (maximum 8 honors points) and Fully weighted (unlimited Honors points) for courses taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th grade.

For CSU’s, 1 semester CC course = 2 grades listed on the CSU application = 2 honors point in the CSU calculation. CSU use only the Capped weighted GPA calculation with the maximum of 8 honors points in the calculation for courses taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th grade.

If the Biology courses are listed in as UC transferable, the grades will be included in the GPA calculation along with extra Honors points for each semester class.

AP Biology is a HS course which will be part of the GPA calculations along with an extra Honors point for each semester. Living Earth sounds like a earth science course which could fulfill the CSU/UC science requirement (D) if UC/CSU approved and on the list below. You can check your D’s HS course list for classes that meet the a-g course requirements.

She will have a HS transcript and a CC transcript. She will need to request both. She can have an “unofficial” copy from both but she will need to request to have the formal transcripts sent to admissions when the UC requests them.