Question regarding ED Rejection Letter

Hi all!
With the regular decision season upon us, I decided to torture myself and go reread my ED rejection letter from Tufts, I guess in the hope that maybe it would have magically changed in the past three months. This piece caught my eye and now I’m driving myself crazy thinking about it (I was too busy feeling my world fall to pieces around me to read the letter in detail :P) :
"This was a particularly difficult decision for us to reach, and I know it will disappoint you. Tufts received a large and talented pool of Early Decision candidates and competition for the limited number of places in our first-year class was especially keen. "

Did the other rejected students get the “particularly difficult decision” part of their letter? I know ED applicants who were rejected are probably not lurking this board anymore, but I figured I’d give it a shot. If it was just a few people who were really fought over in Committee I would feel a lot more closure regarding Tufts.

Hey, i applied RD so i have not heard yet, but not to get you down but i have recieved a few rejections (Vandy, Duke) and they all say something along those lines, i think they send it to everyone :frowning: sorry

I think everyone receives the same rejection letter. Sorry.

Tufts doesn’t really have to outright reject anyone ED - they have the option of deferring anyone they feel may fit in. I think a “particularly difficult” rejection probably would just have been a deferral, and it’s just something they say. I’m sure you’ll end up at a wonderful school and be happy wherever you go; Tufts knows what they’re doing.