
<p>Is there a good amount of African Americans at HYP and the like?</p>

<p>I'm referring to those with slave roots. Are they like, the minority of a minority? T__T I know lots of Africans and West Indians apply/attend...but I'm unsure of African Americans...</p>

<p>Depends on what you mean by good amount. I know an African American who attends Princeton. For the most part AA’s are usually the smallest minority. 5-8% of the H, Y, or P’s student body is black, now as for African Americans it’s probably slightly less than the percentage of black people at the school.</p>

<p>I mean…more than 100 people? As long as the number of African Americans is only slightly less than the overall percentage of blacks… :D</p>

<p>As far as I’m concerned black is black. I never liked the slave roots or slave blood phrases.</p>

<p>In part because it really refers to a mentality more than a legacy and I refuse to hold onto a slave mentality or to be defined by the legacy of slavery. I find both too stifling.</p>

<p>There are many reasons why American blacks have a different mindset than African blacks, namely culture. I just don’t believe that slavery is a real good line of demarcation between us and them.</p>

<p>Ah. Imo, I feel defined by my heritage and what my ancestors experienced, slavery included. Our cultures are so vastly different because American blacks have been in this country for so long. Why the length of time? Slavery. So yeah, I guess we have different opinions. I just find it easier to relate to blacks whose families have been here for generations. I’m not averse to being around Africans and the like, I just like to know there’s a healthy number of American blacks at these top schools as well. ^__^;</p>