<p>hi, I'm an international student thinking about applying to Smith College. I love politics and is deeply interested in international relations. However, Smith only offers that as a minor, so I was thinking what other majors in smith would be similar to that. There is also something called a five college international relations. Is it something like another major to your concurrent major and is it difficult to get in? Does anyone have any experience of how is it like?</p>
<p>I should ask whether I even stand a chance to get into smith :) I come from an educational system that values grades from major exams over daily work. Essentially, you can afford to scrape through every year as long as you perform for the major exams. Which is exactly what I did. My grades for the past 4 years are literally 50ish, A, 50ish, a high B (predicted grades). My school transcript fluctuate so much, I don't know whether if Smith will even consider me. Is there still hope for me? My SAT scores are</p>
<p>750 - CR
650 - Math
590 - Writing</p>
<p>SAT II: </p>
<p>Lit - 720
math II - 620 (my math sucks)</p>
<p>Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>P.S. Exactly how many majors and minors are you allowed to take? :) Since I started to work a little harder this year, I found out that my thirst for knowledge is growing</p>
<p>The Five College certificate program is done in addition to your major. It’s similar to having a second major, and I think you just complete the program then apply to get it officially noted on your transcript (based on what the web site says). There are Smith advisers you can ask for more information.</p>
<p>I think you can major in government with a focus in IR, but I wasn’t a gov major so I’m not sure of the specifics.</p>
<p>As for numbers of majors/minors: officially, your choices are one major, two majors, OR one major and one minor. That’s all that Smith will put on your transcript for you. Some students unofficially complete additional minors, but the college will not keep an official record of them.</p>
<p>when you major in government at Smith, you choose a focus for your major, either International relations, theory, american government, or comparative government. The IR courses in the gov dept. are actually really great, so I don’t mind so much not having a specific IR major.</p>
<p>No, you can’t double major and do a five college certificate. Your options are to major, double major, major and minor, or major and get a five college certificate. No mixing and matching.</p>
<p>Nope. Your options are to major, double major, major and minor, or major and get a certificate. You can’t do multiple minors and you can’t get a major, minor, and a certificate. </p>
<p>Of course, you can fulfill the requirements for multiple minors if you choose, but you won’t be credited for that on your diploma. </p>
<p>It’s set up that way because realistically it would be almost impossible to do more than one of those combos. You have to do half of your credits outside of your major area, and most people only take 4 full credit classes per semester, though some do five and maybe squeak in an exercise or dance class as well. Five is a lot. I did it once and vowed never to put myself through that again. Then there’s extracurricular activities, and having a little time left over for relaxation and homework, the available options are plenty. </p>
<p>Even aiming to do a major and a five college certificate can be a lot, because the certificates usually require a lot of classes, practically like a second major. But for those that like a challenge and are looking to concentrate in an area that isn’t offered at just one of the five colleges, it’s a good option.</p>
<p>Oh dear. Definitely mentioned the multiple minor thing in my essay…
Awell if I do end up getting in at least now I know I have room to take arabic after all. Eeekk. Do you know if the multiple minor rule is typical of most schools? I’m pretty sure I could do more than one at the school I’m at now, but with all of the core classes that would be next to impossible. </p>
<p>Thanks for letting me know Smithie. As someone who’s way too overly invested in Smith it’s really nice to have people like you active on the boards who know so much about it:]</p>
<p>Exactly 20 percent of D’s graduating class had a double major and as driven as Smithies are, they really couldn’t handle another slot very well and in fact would most likely be found…wait for it…to be contributing to the delinquency of a minor.</p>
<p>I don’t know if you can do multiple minors at other schools, though I’ve never heard of an LAC grad with more than one minor. </p>
<p>And I don’t think you’re overly invested in Smith until you start hanging around college message boards after graduation to hand out free advice :-)</p>