Questions about Bear Down camp

<p>I’ve noticed several positive posts about Bear Down camp, and we think we’d like our upcoming freshman to go next summer.</p>

<p>We’re coming from out of state and are wondering how going to Bear Down camp will work with move-in week. I found an old sample schedule for Bear Down camp, and it looks like the students who attend have the option to move into their dorm a few days early. But then it looks like they would have just one day to move in, after which there is a “good bye” dinner. So at what point do parents leave - after the good bye dinner? And is one day in the dorms really enough to get your student settled, do last minute shopping, etc.?</p>

<p>Also, when does the info for Bear Down camp come out? She has paid her enrollment and housing deposit, but we haven’t seen anything yet on Bear Down camp. We would love to have the dates in order to lock in plane reservations.</p>

<p>Any other input/advice on your (or your student’s) experience with Bear Down camp would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Our OOS son went to Bear Down camp and had a great time. We flew in on a Saturday and did some shopping. Checked him into his dorm on Sunday and he left for Camp on Monday. We hung around Tucson and did some tourism until he got back from Camp on Wednesday. Finished getting him set up on Thursday and flew home on Friday.</p>

<p>There is really no need to spend so much time there if you don't want to, though. We were more than 80% done by EOD Sunday, and the boy could have managed without our help on Thursday.</p>

<p>Sam, thanks so much for your response. I have a couple more questions, if you (or anybody else) is willing . . .</p>

<p>I would love to stay as long as you did (ie, both before and after Bear Down camp). However, I have small children still at home, and just can't be gone for that long. So if my student goes to Bear Down camp, I'll probably have to leave as soon as it starts.</p>

<p>Were you able to get into the dorm all day on early check in day? I think I saw on an old Bear Down brochure that the dorms opened at 1 pm the day before camp started. I wouldn't think that would give us enough time.</p>

<p>Was it weird to check into an empty dorm? Was it odd to get your son settled without his roommate around? You said you were 80% done by the time camp started. What were you able to get done before camp, and what did you still have to do?</p>

<p>Also, do you remember how and when you signed up for camp? </p>

<p>Sorry for so many questions, but we are looking into making plane reservations, my husband putting in for time off, etc. Thank you very much!</p>

<p>Lynn, sorry to hear you have to fly all the way from HI and rush back quickly. We (coming from the east coast) decided to take it slow. It helped that our other S was at camp that week.</p>

<p>Make your Camp reservations (as well as your dorm arrangements) ASAP. DS took his sweet time deciding whether to attend camp. He ended up on the waiting list for the longest time and calling every week for updates. By the time we got word that he was in, airline tickets to Tucson had gone up considerably, so we ended up flying to Phoenix and driving to Tucson.</p>

<p>Check in was at 1:00 PM on a Sunday, if I remember correctly. We went to the bedding store (was it LNT or BB&B?) in the AM and picked up everything we had pre-ordered, then checked in to the dorm. The dorm was pretty empty, but there were a handful of students around for Camp and other programs. Check in itself was pretty quick (since there were no crowds) and parking was not an issue. DS got to pick the better side of the room for himself. We had time for another run to the stores before EOD Sunday. By then all his stuff was in the closet and drawers, bed was made, microwave oven was operational, etc.</p>

<p>One thing we had not counted on was that we were not allowed in the dorm room without DS escorting us, so while he was at camp we were not able to do anything with his room. The most we could do was buy a few things (like a phone and an extension cord) and wait until DS got back from camp to hand them to him.</p>

<p>So what was left for Thursday, you ask? Well, here's what I remember:
1) Handing DS the few things we bought for him. If we did not stick around he would have had to shop for those by himself.
2) The closet was missing a shelf on the top, which limited storage. We bought some boards at Home Depot, cut to size. We ended up running back to the store twice because the boards would not fit.
3) The built-in desk had a mirror smack in the middle. Good for applying makeup, not so much for studying. We bought a tall and narrow white board that fit neatly on top of the mirror and sticky-tacked it on.
4) The room had a built in sink. The sink's grout condition was not acceptable to my DW, so I re-grouted the sink (and left DS with instructions to apply a sealer solution the next day.)</p>

<p>As you can see, our sticking around was helpful but not crucial. Without us, DS would have had to buy his own phone and extension cords, figure out what to do with the mirror on his desk, and live with sub-optimal shelf and grout conditions. I'm not sure he would have even noticed the difference. But as parents we were glad that we could do our very best to get him settled in his new home away from home.</p>

<p>Oh, and we never got to meet the roommate. Even though we let him and his parents know of our schedule, and encouraged them to meet us in Tucson, he drove himself to Tucson on Friday, after we had already left.</p>

<p>Sam, you are very kind to take the time for such a thorough reply!! I'm working hard on trying to figure out dates because I may be using frequent flyer miles for my ticket - and as you probably know, those slots book up a long time in advance.</p>

<p>Hmmm, my student signed up for housing several weeks ago, but neither she nor I has seen any information on the camp. Maybe I'll have to call UA tomorrow and inquire. That would be frustrating to end up on a waiting list, coming from so far away.</p>

<p>I do know what you mean about wanting to do everything realistically possible to get your student settled. And anytime you move into a new location, whether it's a dorm room or an apartment, there are always those last minute trips to the store and projects that come up. So I guess I was trying to figure out how to make sure I'd have time to help her with those.</p>

<p>Thank you again - I really appreciate you sharing your experience!</p>

<p>Hi Lynn,
We also came to Arizona from OOS, but had the luxury of staying a few days. My son decided not to attend Bear Down camp, but later said it might have been a good idea to meet more kids at the start of the year. He is in his second year now.
We did the Bed Bath and Beyond thing, which was great because we could preorder, but it was more expensive than Target, where we filled in the other items needed. I suggest that you shop Target or similar first, so you know which items you want to keep at BBB. There are also a couple of Costcos in Tucson, so we could stock him up on snacks.
We stayed at the Windmill Inn, on Campbell. It's not super-close to campus, but it is a straight shot down the road. Since they are all suites, there was a lot of room to store our gathered items without crowding us at all. They were inexpensive ($80/night?), had good continental breakfast, fresh-baked cookies in the PM, was very well-kept, and the staff was helpful. It has become our favorite place to stay in Tucson.</p>

<p>Willsmom, that's great information!! Thank you very much for your suggestions. I love the suite idea - nice to have the extra room as we're getting ready for the big move-in.</p>

<p>Thanks again. :)</p>

<p>I don't see anything updated on the website - are they going to be doing the camp this year?</p>

<p>I called the office last week, and they still haven't set the dates yet. It almost always starts the Monday before classes start, which would make it August 17th this year. That's literally all they would tell me - that they <em>are</em> planning a camp this year, but that dates have not been finalized. </p>

<p>I hope it happens soon, especially for those of us coming from out of state.</p>

<p>Still nothing about Bear Down Camp! I keep checking their website and I emailed them also. My daughter really wants to go and we are coming from the east coast and want to make our plans soon. Hopefully they will put something out there soon.</p>


<p>Diane, I called again yesterday and was told that they may switch it to a one-day (possibly on campus) event this year due to budget cuts. :( </p>

<p>The young lady I spoke to said that dates <em>still</em> haven't been set, but that information would be available at orientation. She thought there might be a couple dates to choose from, and encouraged me that it would still be a valuable, positive experience for the students.</p>

<p>I'm bummed about the change, but I'm sure they're doing the best they can with the budget. It's a shame the information is coming out so late this year; it makes it really hard for those of us coming from oos!</p>

<p>Lynn, Thanks for the information. That's a shame they have to cut it back. I'd just like to know so we can figure out when we are going and start looking for airfare. I'm sure you're trying to do the same. My daughter goes to orientation June12, so maybe we'll find something out then.</p>
