Questions about Campus life at Loyola New Orleans

<p>Hello everyone! My name is Lucina and I am a Freshman at Loyola NOLA if anyone has any questions about campus life or anything else regarding the school don't hesitate to ask!</p>

<p>Hi Lucina!
I am a Korean senior in high school currently studying in Shanghai, China.
I will be applying to music department of the school, but I’d like to know more about it.
Do you have any information as about the size or the acceptance rate of the music program of Loyola NO?
Does the school campus have a musical atmosphere?
And most importantly, are there scholarships readily available for international students?</p>


<p>Hi Lucina!
My son is seriously considering Loyola-NOLA. He has taken a tour of the school and loves the city. My question is about the campus administration and the students tolerance for things such as diversity in all areas- religion, race, sexual orientation and politics. We have raised our children to be accepting and tolerant of viewpoints, lifestyle choices etc. OK to disagree but not OK to shame. We live in a pretty progressive city and have traveled a lot so my kids so they have been exposed to different cultures, regions etc.
Another thing is the rigor of the classes. If we are going to be paying that much money, the classes need to be rigorous/challenging. He is a really bright kid and needs that level to keep engaged. Any thoughts/experiences, appreciated.</p>

<p>Hi Goingnutsmom,
My name is Cheryl, and I am currently a Junior at Loyola-NOLA. I thought I would try to answer a few of your questions about Loyola. The first question you had was regarding diversity in the school. I find Loyola to be very accepting of everyone no matter what their background may be. In fact throughout the school year you will see different organizations putting on different events that highlight their differences. I also feel that the majority of the Loyola Community share your opinion regarding tolerance of others.
Your second question was about the rigor of the classes. I find that Loyola has a very rigorous curriculum. I can tell you from experience, you will EARN the grade you recieve. Your professors expect you to be an adult about the assignments put forth in front of you, and it is up to you to make that effort or not.
I hope I have answered at least some of the questions you had. If you have anymore please don’t hesitate to ask.</p>

Hi my name is Cheryl and I am a student at Loyola. I am so happy to see that you are interested in our school. We have an excellent Music program and a lot of opportunities for music majors. The student teacher ratio is 6:1, so you will have small class sizes with more one on one time with your professors. I am not sure about the acceptance rate, but I do know that you must audition or interview to major in Music.
Although I am not a music major, I have noticed many opportunities for music majors to display their work. Do you have any preference or idea of what type of music you would like to major in?
Regarding your question about the atmosphere of Loyola being musical, I find the overall atmosphere to be inviting to all majors, and you will fit in quite nicely. Your last question I am not so sure about, but I am sure I could find out. I know that Loyola is very generous with the scholarships that they give out, but I don’t know how it works for someone who will be coming in internationally.
I hope I have answered your questions and I hope to see you on campus next year. Good luck finishing out your senior year!</p>

<p>Hi, I was wondering about the look and feel of campus. Do people wear school gear or are the more low key about things like school spirit and how do you think it feels compared to tulane</p>

<p>Hey HolyBatman,</p>

<p>I’m a Mass Communications sophomore here at Loyola. I’ll try to answer your question as best I can!</p>

<p>As far as school gear is concerned, there are certainly a good number of students who wear Loyola gear regularly. The school spirit in regards to athletics isn’t as high as it could be, but that doesn’t mean that students here don’t take pride in Loyola! I know I have at least five Loyola t-shirts in my closet. Aside from Loyola gear, though, the clothes and such that students wear here are hard to pinpoint to a specific style. Many people dress business casual on a daily basis whereas just as many wear t-shirts and gym shorts to class.</p>

<p>From what I’ve observed, Tulane students wear their Tulane gear alot as well. I’m not quite sure what the school spirit is like there, however.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thank you all for the information, much appreciated!</p>

<p>You are very welcome. I am glad I could help.</p>

<p>Hi Lucina,
Do you have an info on what the graduate music program is like? I was just accepted into the program, but I still have to make some decisions once I find out the other schools I have been accepted</p>


<p>Hi there! I’m also an undergraduate student at Loyola like Lucina. Unfortunately neither of us are music students, so we probably wouldn’t be of much use to you! I do know that our two music graduate programs are Music Therapy and Music Performance. However, if you call the College of Music Office at (504) 865-3037, you can request to speak with a graduate advisor who will be able to give you more info on our graduate programs. Also, here is the link to the Master of Music Performance Program: [Master</a> of Music in Performance | College of Music and Fine Arts | Loyola University New Orleans](<a href=“]Master”>Master of Music in Performance | Music and Media) and the link to the Master of Music Therapy Program: [Master</a> of Music Therapy | College of Music and Fine Arts | Loyola University New Orleans](<a href=“]Master”>Master of Music Therapy | Music and Media)</p>

<p>Hi! I’m about 90% sure I’ll be attending Loyola University New Orleans in the fall as a Mass Communications major. My parents (my dad really) are a bit skeptical about being a communications major. They don’t think it’ll be useful or lead to financially stable job. Are there any alumni connections at Loyola that have routinely helped students, particularly Mass Communications majors, get jobs? Also, what’s the general curriculum for a Mass Communications major?</p>

<p>Secondly, I was chosen as an Ignatian Scholar and automatically accpeted into the University Honors Program. How rigorous is the honors program at Loyola? Are there many projects involved? I understand that Honors students live on the eleventh floor of Budding Hall (or, that’s what I read). How nice are those rooms? </p>

<p>Lastly, in the event of severely inclement weather, does Loyola have evacuation procedures/drills? I remember when a Tulane representative came to my school, he said that, in the event of a hurricane (Katrina-level, y’all), an agreement has been made with a other schools in the country that Tulane students can go to any school and continue their studies and still graduate on time. Does Loyola have a similar system or set-up? </p>


<p>Hi - my daughter is also seriously considering Loyola. Are you attending the open house this weekend? Have you seen the campus - if so, what did you think? Do you know any other students that are there?</p>

<p>My son has been accepted. I’ve been there once, last April, though it was Easter break so the students weren’t around. My son also went by himself in December for his audition. He stayed in a dorm with a freshman who he knows from high school.</p>

<p>The neighborhood is very nice. We took the St. Charles Ave. streetcar from a downtown hotel. Quaint, but kinda slow.</p>

<p>The campus is compact. They’ve made up for it by erecting some rather tall buildings. One dorm is 12 stories, which you wouldn’t expect in such a suburban setting. There’s not a lot of greenspace because of the compactness, but there’s a huge park across St. Charles that goes all the way to the Mississippi River, and Tulane’s campus abuts LoyNO’s. Tulane has lots of space, and there’s quite a bit of interaction between the two campuses [food plans, courses, entertainment, etc.].</p>

<p>Beautiful library, large parking garage.</p>

<p>Might be some useful stuff here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey kgoodwin18,</p>

<p>I’m currently a sophomore at Loyola studying Mass Communications (Journalism track), so hopefully I can ease your mind a little bit! Loyola’s School of Mass Comm is amazing- we have the newest academic building on campus and are the most popular major on campus. The mass comm alumni connections are extensive. I know multiple people that have interned with The Times-Picayune, Gambit, and top advertising and PR firms in the city, etc. Loyola’s Mass Comm program has a great reputation around the city and the country- we have graduates working for the New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, HBO, etc. In fact, I was able to get an internship the summer after my freshman year at the top independent newspaper in my hometown through an alumni who was the publisher! The general curriculum involves Intro to Mass Communications, Digital Communications, Communications Writing, Videography, etc…it depends on your concentration. Not to mention, the professors and staff in the School of Mass Comm are incredibly helpful and I’ve found that they are always willing to help. Also, there are a variety of organizations within the School of Mass Comm that are extremely valuable resume builders- The Bateman Public Relations Team has brought Loyola the most national titles of any school in the country, The Ad Team just won Gold Addy Awards, and our student newspaper, The Maroon, has just been named in the Top 3 non-daily college newspapers in the country by the Society of Proffesional Journalists. There are a number of other professional networking organizations to get involved with as well. </p>

<p>Congratulations on being an Ignatian Scholar! From what I’ve heard, the Honors Program is pretty rigorous, but nothing you can’t handle. I’m not sure about projects, but you do have to write/make a senior thesis project. Every freshman in the Honors Program lives on the 11th floor of Buddig, and the RA for the 11th floor is an older member of the Program. Everyone I know in Honors is really close with the other members of program, so it seems to be a pretty fun hall to live on! Actually I know quite a few members of the Honors Program in the School of Mass Comm- the editor-in-chief of The Maroon is a member of the program, in fact! Buddig will actually have renovations finished by the summer time, so all rooms will have bigger windows and more storage space. Having lived in Buddig for the past two years, I can personally say that I’ve enjoyed living there. The rooms are pretty nice and are very spacious!</p>

<p>Loyola professors have undergone specific training for the event of a Hurricane. Professors are required to log onto Blackboard (Our online resource for all of the classes we take) and put up assignments 24 hours after campus has been evacuated so the semester can be finished. In the case of an extreme emergency, other universities in the country do tend to make special arrangements for our students. All 28 Jesuit Colleges and Universities in the country automatically accept Loyola students in the event of an extreme emergency as well.</p>

<p>I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!</p>