Questions about CBHP Competitiveness

Hello everyone,

I am currently an international student who holds a serious interest in University of Alabama and its CBH Program. I know that the program is very selective (40 spots in over 1000 prospective applicants), but really I cannot imagine the high caliber of the successful applicants. Therefore, I’d love to hear some words from those who have experience with the CBHP.

Here are some of my questions, but any other information regarding its admission will be so welcome.

  1. How are the stats of CBHP students? (SAT/ACT, GPA)
  2. What are the most important factors in the process of short-listing the applicants?
  3. Are applicants expected to have experience in research?
  4. Are being an international student a disadvantage?

Lastly, I have a concern (although not related to the selectivity of the program) about travelling to the US in case I get shortlisted. Going through some threads on this forum, I learned that notification of shortlisted applicants is out in the early February, and the interview takes place around the 20th. I wonder if UA could help me earn a VISA to the US faster so I can travel and be there in the interview.

So that’s it. Thank you all for your help. Any information is all highly appreciated.
And Roll Tide!

Sorry for some of the grammatical errors in the post. It was really careless of me.

    1. Is being an international student a disadvantage?

Your questions can be answered in general or in specifics. I think that a specific example will help you get an idea of the types of kids that apply to be in CBH.

  1. How are the stats of CBHP students? (SAT/ACT, GPA) - SAT 2120, ACT 34, GAP 4.5
  2. What are the most important factors in the process of short-listing the applicants? - My opinion only but here is what I think - Are you a good person? Someone that will give something back to society in general and to the program specifically; not just a test taking drone.
  3. Are applicants expected to have experience in research? - No
  4. Are being an international student a disadvantage? - Can’t help you here.

A lot of kids that apply don’t take advantage of the opportunity. If you’re invited to the interviews, you’ve got a good shot at getting in. This year they pulled kids off the wait list in late July.

Thank you for your response.
A little bump, I still hope for a little bit more information.

Competition is fierce and getting stronger each year. I would expect that there would be more applicants this year based on the interest I have seen in this program.

There are only 40 spots and although some students get pulled off the wait list (even at a late date) there are Still only 40 students selected in total so no, I would not say that if you are on the waitlist “that you have a good shot of getting in”. There are too many variables to say that. Some students who are selected into CBH may choose to go elsewhere, but perhaps not. Each year will be different. Even if there is an opening available, getting selected would still depend on how the student did at the interview weekend. A student can get selected after the initial round IF there is an opening, but a student still has to get to that point in the selection process.

The best advice is to have the statistics to backup the desire to do research, make an application, and if selected for the interview weekend, attend and do your best.

Remember there are other opportunities and research based programs.

Wouldn’t you need your Visa in order to attend the university? Wouldn’t you already need the Visa prior to the interview weekend??

Thank you a lot @robotbldmom.

It seems like you have many experiences with the program. I hope you can help me about what the most important factor to get one to the interview is.

Regarding the Visa issue, yes, I do need a Visa in order to attend the university. However, the interview weekend takes place in February when I’ve not known where to go yet, so I will not have the Visa before I am notified about the invitation to the interview weekend.

If you were invited to the weekend, it is recommended that you attend. I am not sure if attending the weekend interview has already been made a requirement. However with all the competition, I would not be surprised if it is. If you have an extenuating circumstance, such as is the case with your “no Visa status”, then I would think that possibly they could do a Skype interview. Of course, the weekend is as much for you as it is for them. You need to see if you would like to be a part of the CBH Program and they need to get to know you. Therefore by not attending, you negate a major reason behind the interview weekend. Of course, you can always make the request of a Skype interview, and see if they could accommodate you.

Have you ever been to campus? I really think that if you are planning on spending four years at a university, you should try for a campus visit. Is that at all possible? Is your family aware of the costs to attend the university and will they be providing financial support?

Thank you very much @robotbldmom for your response.

I’m afraid there may be a little misunderstanding about my situation. I personally really want to attend the interview weekend (if I have the opportunity) because as you said, that’s a great chance for me to know more about the program as well as the college. However, it takes months in my country (Vietnam) to acquire a Visa. That’s the reason I’m wondering about my Visa case.

For your question about my campus visit. No, I haven’t, even though I really want to. As I go through CC, I have seen many students said that they were sold by the visit. Unfortunately, studying in the US is not popular in my country, and hence college visit is even rarer.

About the financial support from my family, they are very willing to cover my room and boards (although I’m trying to find outside scholarship to fund for those too) as I’m already qualified for the Presidential Scholarship.

So these are some insights about my case. I hope you can know me better and help me with a piece of advice. Thanks a lot.

You are very welcome.

I realize that it will be difficult for you to visit, but I wanted to make sure that if you get admitted and decide to attend, your Visa situation will not delay you. Also, it’s important that you have adequate funding for room/board, books and fees, essentials and travel.

What major will you be declaring?

You could also look into the Emerging Scholars Program. There is a virtual tour of the campus on the website that you might be interested in.

@robotbldmom I will declare an Economics major. As I want to do a double major, I’m still thinking between English and a Business major. However, my serious interest lies in the US College (the application and stuff), so I can see myself mentoring and guiding students through the madness of their senior year. I don’t know if that’s my true interest or just because that’s my biggest concern right now, but that can be the topic of my research in UA.

Also thank you for your recommendation about the Emerging Scholars Program. I’ve been spending a lot of time exploring UA website but still didn’t see this. It is so true that the opportunities in UA is limitless, isn’t it?

There are many opportunities available, unfortunately, I am not all that familiar with the business school and the majors there. However, there are many parents who have students studying in the business school. If you have specific questions about those majors, start a new thread and post your question there,

Emerging Scholars: