Question about UFE and CBHP?

<p>Hi all, I’m finishing up my UFE and CBHP apps right now and have spent some time reading about both programs on here. I’m really interested in both and if I was selected for either one, choosing UA would be a no-brainer. I feel pretty confident about my essays and stats and hope I have a decent chance, but one thing I’m worried about is that I’ve never met personally with the head of either department. I visited UA early this summer, and had never heard about either program when setting up the visit. I live in PA and am just not sure we can swing another visit down right now…especially before either program will review the applicants. I plan on emailing both of them, but do you think not meeting with them personally will leave me at a disadvantage?</p>

<p>The short answer is no; it will not be a disadvantage. You showed who you are through the essays. </p>

<p>A few years ago, my D made it to the phone interview for UFE. She was not selected for the finalist weekend. Although she did make it to the CBHP finalist weekend and made it into CBHP. </p>

<p>Good luck to you. :)</p>

<p>The same thing that happened to Cuttlefish123’s D happened to mine. Phone interview for UFE and was selected for CBHP finalist weekend and then was selected into CBHP. And on a side not, Cuttlefish123’s D and my D lived together their freshman year!!</p>

<p>My son is a member of CBHP and did not meet with anyone other than Alison from the Honors college on a brief tour, like you, many months prior to applying. I do not think your situation puts you at a disadvantage at all.</p>

<p>Thanks everybody. (: I have been doing some research, and it looks like I may be able to go down around January 7th to meet with both of them, because my parents might be flying down for a marathon that day. we’re trying to work it out, because we do want to see the campus again anyway. do you think meeting with them around that day would still be worthwhile? or will decisions likely be made up? sorry for all of the questions!</p>

<p>Meeting with Dr. Sharpe and Dr. Morgan is always worthwhile. But if you don’t, I don’t think it will make a big difference. My D is in CBH and she didn’t meet Dr. Sharpe until she was at Bama Bound in late May.</p>