So i neglected applying to the two selective honors programs during the application cycle, is there any way that you can apply in your sophomore year to these programs? I was considering highly selective schools but am probably gonna choose Alabama for the scholarships; NMF/35ACT/2330SAT, etc if it makes any difference. Should I talk to faculty members when I enroll and see if they can get me in?

Hi! I was also looking at more selective schools before deciding on Bama. Unfortunately there’s no way to get in at this point, but there are many programs other than UFE and CBH that can give you opportunities that rival any school.

Are you interested in the future of science and business, and hope to get your MBA? Try the STEM MBA program.

Do you want to read the classics and explore liberal arts education in a smaller, like-minded community? Try Blount!

Do you want to get awesome research opportunities with professors in almost every field? Emerging Scholars is perfect for you!

Want to get a head start on your Masters after your sophomore year, using some of your undergrad courses towards the requirements (possibly allowing you to graduate with a BA and MA in 4 years)? University Scholars can help you do just that!

And I’m sure there are even more I don’t know about. If you have any questions about the opportunities I’ve found at UA please ask! I hope to see you here next year.

Actually, if you emailed the dept very soon and asked if there would be any way to be put on the waitlist, there is a (very small) chance that you can get into the program (CBH, probably no chance for UFE at this point). The worst they can do is say no, right? Just make sure to present yourself well.

If I were you, I’d focus your energies on finding opportunities like springy179 stated. CBHP students had applications, essays, a selection cut, and a weekend of interviews on campus. UFE students had applications, essays, telephone interviews, a weekend of interviews on campus and more selection cuts.

CBHP students were selected on both their academic credentials, and their existing research experience, or their desire to conduct deep research on campus. UFE students were selected for their academic credentials, outstanding leadership credentials and their deep commitment to service.

I think at this point, pursuing either of the elite programs is not going to pay off. Remember, the students who competed for each of these programs, and won or lost in the selection process, were also pursuing highly selective schools, and other highly selective scholarship programs simultaneously with their pursuit of CBHP or UFE (or in some cases, both.)

Agree with Swim4school. In the case of CBHP at least, there is no wait list, only a reserve pool. Students who met deadlines and followed the application protocol, but were still considered “top candidates” were invited to continue the process by being placed in the reserve pool. As any spots open up, they are pulled from that pool to come in to interview.

It is highly unfair to expect that you would even be taken seriously, should you choose to go for something after a deadline, when others who applied did all that is listed above. Interviews for these programs were conducted to select those students who are not merely seeking a prize, as your tone suggests. While it is true that ‘they can only say no,’ by applying after the fact you are presenting yourself in a rather poor light to the university, in my opinion. Furthermore, please do not talk with any faculty about ‘getting you in’ to these special programs. The way you phrase that sounds very crass. Should you choose UA, please actively seek other ways to give back to the university that is so generously extending an education to you.

I agree with the above posters, look for and apply to other opportunities as they are presented. Students who did their due diligence in applying on time, writing essays, traveling for weekend interviews, and having the desire to be part of these two programs deserve the spots that are allocated. If they turn down their spots, then the other students waiting in line (who also applied in a timely manner) should be chosen.

This is a tough lesson, but there will be many opportunities that require as rigorous or even more rigorous application procedures that must be adhered to.

Perhaps, The University of Alabama wasn’t your top contender but I highly recommend that if you attend UA, you give it a full chance. It is a highly worthy university which will afford you an excellent education at a minimal cost. Your educational experience will benefit by a high level of commitment to your university, your peers, your faculty and the community.

CBHP and UFE are only two of the university’s multiple opportunities that are available.There are study abroad programs, alternate spring break programs, student jobs, intramural sports, clubs, musical ensembles, amateur theatre as well as other academic opportunities to enrich your college experience. Be open to exploring both academic and non-academic activities to round out your years at Bama.

Thank you so much to everyone who replied! First off, I want to say I’m extremely sorry if I sounded crass, arrogant, or otherwise rude in my comment, that was never my intention. I was just wondering if there is any way to still be a part of those programs. I definitely realize that the students that have been selected for those programs have been through a lot, and it is definitely unfair for me to expect to just be placed in. Often times, programs like honors college are open to sophomores as well, so that was what I meant when I said “talking to faculty.” Finally, I didn’t mean to sound bitter about choosing Alabama either. Every school I applied to was one I could see myself grow and excel at, and Alabama is no exception. I honestly do look forward to an amazing time and an amazing education at the University of Alabama, and even better graduating debt free.

@yshhaas I, for one, don’t think that you view The University of Alabama as a second rate college, I just had the impression that it was a second or lesser choice on your list. Graduating almost debt free is the smart choice. What I was suggesting is that UA has tons of different opportunities if you are open minded, and that not all of them are academic. After all, the whole idea of a university based education should be for you to explore and open yourself to new experiences, to round yourself out as an individual, not just academically. Yes, you missed the boat for these two programs but again there are many other opportunities that you can find.

However, again I caution you to follow procedure. There will be many awards, scholarships, research positions, internships, co-ops, presentations, conferences, future applications, job interviews etc that you might want to try for and you will have to follow through in a timely fashion, or miss out on these opportunities as well.