Questions about the SAT II

<p>What happens if you send in your SAT scores and not your SAT II scores to colleges(such as Boston University, Rice)? Can you take it and send it in when they need you to?</p>

<p>Also, do you know any prestigious/good colleges that only looks at SAT scores (no subject test scores)? </p>

<p>THANK YOU! :)</p>

<p>Do you happen to have an ACT with writing. Both BU and Rice accept the ACT in lieu of both the SAT and SAT IIs. That is also true of Yale, Penn, Brown, Duke, Amherst, Tufts, and some others that normally require IIs. If you submit only SAT to BU and Rice, your file will be deemed incomplete for failure to submit IIs and you won’t be considered for admission.</p>

<p>Majority of colleges do not require, recommend or even consider SAT IIs but most high ranks do (with the ability for some to just submit ACT). UCs are the only public universities that require IIs. Some other higher ranks that do not require IIs and thus you will be considered for admission without them: Stanford (but recommends two), UChicago (will consider if submitted), Northwestern (recommends three), Johns Hopkins (recommends three), Washington U at St Louis (recommends two), Emory (recommends two), Vanderbilt (recommends two and wants a language II for placement after admission), UVirginia (recommends two), USC (recommends two), UMichigan (considered if submitted), Wake Forest (requires no test scores, including neither SAT nor ACT, but will consider any submitted), UNC (considered if submitted), Wiiliam & Mary (considered if submitted), Middlebury (test requirement met by submitting ACT OR SAT OR three SAT IIs), Davidson (considered if submitted, Carleton (considered if submitted).</p>