Questions about UC’s and other California schools as a prospective student

I didn’t see that, but that is certainly one of the complaints students have about Cal Poly if they are wanting the big city experience. For better and worse, SLO is not that. :smiley:

Granted she is a sophomore so opinions may change but in his other thread he wrote, " She currently is drawn to Boston (she loves going there to visit), and schools like Northeastern, BU. Unlike my older 2, who did not want to be in a city, she seems to like it. Those schools would not be cheap of course even if she wins a lot of merit, so we will likely play the game as we did with the older 2 (apply to 8-10 schools and play a game of show me the money)."

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Those schools would not be cheap of course even if she wins a lot of merit, so we will likely play the game as we did with the older 2 (apply to 8-10 schools and play a game of show me the money). ">

Well with the CSU’s and UC’s, it will be pay me the money.


Yes, make the check payable to Gumby Mom for $65,000.