Questions from an international freshman

<p>Hello, College Confidential</p>

<p>There are three questions that I'd really like to ask:</p>

<p>[ul][<em>]Is is possible to take the English as Second Language Assessment Test (ESLAT) on campus?
[</em>]Do I have to make a housing reservation before 15 April?
[li]When are students allowed to move in?[/ul]</p>[/li]
<p>Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>Make your housing res ASAP.
New students move in about a week before classes. Ints get earlier date.</p>

<p>[Moving</a> In | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“]Moving”></p>

<p>E-mail your questions to UW admissions. Read the Res Halls info sent to you for deadlines. SOAR for you will be the end of August instead of one of the earlier dates- there will be special info and they know it wouldn’t work to try to come twice. Check the UW SOAR site, Res Halls site and international students site of the UW website.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Another question: Am I bound by a deadline regarding the registration of placement tests and SOAR (I couldn’t find any information)? Can I do that in late May/early June? Due to the fact that I live in a tiny town, I will need some time in order to find a proctor who could administer my electronic placement tests (I have decided to take them that way), which might take some time.</p>

<p>International student can move in on Sunday, August 25. </p>

<p>If you are unable to locate a proctor in your home country you can take the tests on campus during SOAR. In your SOAR reservation list that you will be taking the tests on paper at UW-Madison on August 25. We strongly encourage you to test before SOAR.</p>