<p>I’ve checked the CommonApp forum, and everybody seems to be really confused by that freaking website. So hopefully someone here who has submitted the whole application successfully could answer my question.</p>
<p>I’ve decided to submit the Teacher’s recs, the mid-term report by MAILING. IN PAPER.
However, I’ve heard that Stanford does NOT accept evaluations and reports WITHOUT your CommonAPP ID# on the bottom.
However, the pdfs you download from CommonApp do not have your ID# if you are not logged in.</p>
<p>so my questions are:</p>
<li>Is it ok to submit the application online but still submit the recs and reports in paper?</li>
<li>Is it ok if I just write my ID# on the evaluation forms and reports?</li>
<li>If (2) is not possible, then where to download evaluation forms WITH your ID#?</li>
<p>Our school does everything on their end by mail. It’s easy. Log in to Common App and look on the left column for “School Forms” and print what you need. It will fill in part for you and your CA ID will be there. Our school has an odd policy that forms need to be printed front & back. Also note that Stanford wants you to use their mailing labels. There’s a link there under Instructions, I think. If not you can do a search on the Stanford website and find them there. They also require 9 X 12 eps, so don’t forget the extra postage!</p>
<li><p>Is it ok to submit the application online but still submit the recs and reports in paper?
<li><p>Is it ok if I just write my ID# on the evaluation forms and reports?
<li><p>If (2) is not possible, then where to download evaluation forms WITH your ID#?
You can make them print out the forms with the ID by inviting the respective teacher/counselor and then telling them to “opt out” of the online system (to which there is a link in the email they receive).</p></li>
<p>At this point, you will be able to print out the forms with the ID printed on it for you.</p>