<p>Hey guys, I have to decide by tomorrow morning so I was hoping to get some advice from people on this board. I'm currently a senior and am in 4 AP's, one on level course (Environmental Science) and Honors Pre-Cal. I was good at Algebra II, but I changed schools between junior and senior year and as a result am not familiar with the curriculum at my current school. As far as I understand, honors precalculus is based heavily on having a strong background of knowledge and even though I excelled at Alg II, I find that I have never seen most of the stuff in Pre-Cal. </p>
<p>I'm really struggling with the Pre-Cal and I was wondering if you guys think I should switch to on level Pre-Cal and take AP Environmental Science instead. The only reason I hesitate to do this is because I am wondering whether a college will look more favorably upon the honors Pre-Cal over the AP Env. Science. I honestly feel like I'd be lucky to get a B in Pre-Cal whereas I have an A in all my other classes. I am not going to be majoring in anything math/science related, by the way, so I'm not sure how important challenging myself in a math course really is. Thanks for much for the help!</p>