My current schedule right now (Junior Year) is:
AP Statistics
AP U.S History
Latin II
AP Physics 1
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Literature and Composition
Registration for next year’s classes are coming up and I’m having to decide on some things…
I’ve always loved to participate in Theatre, but I couldn’t find room for it on my schedule this year because of all the AP classes I’m taking. I’m starting to run out of AP classes to actually take in my school, so I think I may have some room in my Senior year schedule for Theatre, but I’m having to decide between if I want the Advanced Production Theatre class or if I want Latin III. I know Stanford recommends to have 3 years of language, but I already know Korean fluently…, so I was thinking that maybe it would be okay to switch out Latin III for the Theatre class? Is this a good decision?
Currently Planned Schedule for Senior Year:
AP Macroeconomics
AP American Government
AP Comparative Government
AP Seminar
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C: Mechanics (Or E&M I haven’t decided)
AP Art History
Latin III/Advanced Production
Thank you for your help!
You have a rather intense schedule, both this year and next. Do you really want to take on that much?
What are your interests and possible direction? You have a heavy load in the social sciences (AP US History and Psychology this year, AP American Government, Comparative Government and Macroeconomics next year) but are also piling APs in calculus, statistics and physics. Are you doing that because you are interested in these topics, or because you are aiming to accumulate as many AP classes as possible to impress people?
I would re-assess and think about what matters to you. Take classes that turn you on. If theatre production excites you, then I think it would be a great balance to all the other stuff you are doing, but I’d personally re-evaluate your entire schedule in the context of your interests and long-term direction.
I second renaissancedad. I’d avoid orienting classes around what looks good for college. Instead , choose classes that make sense for you.
@renaissancedad @lostaccount
Thank you for your help!
I’m taking these AP classes mainly because I do have an interest in all of them… however, I also take them because I want to keep my place in my class rank. I’ve taken AP classes already in the past (3 freshman year and 4 sophomore year) and I’ve done well in them and still do well in them, so I’m not exactly all that worried about overloading myself or anything…
It’s just I can’t help but worry about choosing my classes and wondering if it’s worth giving up Latin III for Theatre. I would of course prefer Theatre over Latin, but it makes me concerned when they say the recommended foreign language amount is 3 years…
But you both are right, I think I’ll think on my schedule for a bit… I’m leaning towards having that Theatre class so that I have some kind of “break” in my school day.
Again, thank you for your help and input! ^^
^ What are your main interests, and potential future directions? What are you passionate about?
My main interests are in the sciences definitely, whether social or not. I really enjoyed AP Human Geography, AP Environmental, and AP Bio. I have an interest in studying the environment and Biology…
I don’t really know about potential future directions… I’ve been thinking about being a business lawyer, but at the same time I’ve been thinking about going into biomed.
My main passion is to be able to help people… Whatever occupation I pick in the end, I want it to be able to help people whether directly or indirectly. I like Theatre sometimes because I feel like I am indirectly helping people by giving them something to enjoy and to think about.
I’d replace AP Seminar with Latin III, and keep Theatre Production. 
Everything else stays the same.