<p>I have two quick questions for people here:</p>
<p>A) For Spanish, which is generally better, twice a week for 2 hours or four times a week for 1? I took it four times a week last semester but didn't like having to go to it nearly every day of the week. Though twice as long could be just as bad... At the moment I'm taking Spanish III from 12-1:50 MW.</p>
<p>2) How long do labs take on average for Physics/Chemistry? I'm taking Physics 151 and Chem 105a next semester. Currently, I'm banking on the labs ending early, given my schedule is set up on Wednesdays with class from 12-1:50, Physics lab from 2:00-4:50, and EE lab from 5-7:50. I'm just basing this off observations of my roommate's Bio/Chem labs that were usually done in an 1-1.5 hours.</p>