Quitting Corps of Cadets Before Freshman Year

<p>I just realized that I may have to take a community college class near V-Tech during the fall since I was accepted in University Studies, possibly meaning that I may not have time to be a part of the corps. </p>

<p>I know that leaving the corps before finishing red phase means that the person would have to leave until spring, but can I quit I graduate high school and before the training even starts? I tried calling their office; i'll do it again today. But I just need some advice on what to do so.</p>

<p>This happened to me this year but I had to leave for medical reasons. What you need to do is send them an email with the reason why or why you can’t do corps and they should let you know if they’ll accept that excuse or not. When they do accept it, they’ll reconsider your application (they’ll review it again -scary haha) and you’ll need to pay the application fee that was waived. Yah call them/email them as soon as possible. If you do corps you can drop out after a month or so, but your housing is not guaranteed. Good luck! Message me if you have questions about my experience!</p>

<p>Which course are you planning on taking at CC? If it is the Engineering course then you may be able to take the course over the summer as a distance student. That’s what my son was going to do but he got accepted to Engineering later. If I you need more details I can find them</p>

<p>Here is a thread from last year. The Virginia Community College that does the ENG1014 equivalent via distance learning is Southwest VA CC</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1309075-i-denied-virginia-techs-general-engineering-program-accepted-univerisity-2.html?highlight=Southwest[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1309075-i-denied-virginia-techs-general-engineering-program-accepted-univerisity-2.html?highlight=Southwest&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>vtechfreshman, I told them about my situation and how much i wanted to go to tech, and they said my request to go back to civilian status was approved. I actually found out a week ago, but now that you mention that they recheck the application I’m kinda worried now. The last sentence says that “You are now in a civilian status.” I may be overreacting, but how do you know this? Not that I don’t believe you dude.</p>

<p>Stottiecake, I read that I’d apparently have to take Calc and English at the same time, but given my schedule in the summer, i don’;t think that i can do that. However, New river CC is only 15-30 min. away from tech (i got two different locations) which both aren’t so bad, but I think i may have to do that. When i put down my deposit, when would i get my counselor so I can discuss this?
Thanks You</p>

<p>I requested to be a civilian applicant before April 1, since it’s after that date I’m not sure if they reconsider your application or not. Just call and make sure that you are accepted as a civilian student! Best of luck! :)</p>