I’m Iranian, but I am not white passing at all. I have never identified as white. But I don’t fall under the Asian category and I have to submit an answer. There’s no “Other” bubble. Any thoughts? I don’t want to give the vibe that I’m trying to pose as white to get more consideration in admissions (compared to Asian). I’ve always just considered myself Middle Eastern and that’s that. My family members always check other. I’m not signing up on the CA, but for a program. I thought this is where I should ask.
I look extremely Middle Eastern and I call myself “brown” and my family and other ethnic friends do too. I’m just lost, because for an interview they’d see I’m clearly not white and it would raise suspicion.
BTW, I’m not Persian.
I’m Iranian as well (100% Persian) and I struggled with this a lot since I’ve always considered myself to be olive/brown. According to my research, you’re supposed to put down White as the U.S. census has recently assessed us as such. You wouldn’t be lying in your application as we’re not considered Asian (even though we’re technically from Asia, but that’s a whole different story that I won’t get into).
Merci. I put my first language as well, hoping for the best.