Race in the mind of an african american..

<p>Every body thinks that we got into top schools because of AA, this is the most aggravating and blood gurggling thing ever!</p>

<p>Yes, that is one of the drawbacks of Affirmative Action.</p>

<p>YOu are just every where arent ya?:slight_smile: Anyway, I hate it with such a passion, and I know I have posted some pretty controversial, to say the least, posts, but the fact that one can work hard for an achievement only for it to be brougth down and be regarded as “AA at its finest” is simply disgusting to me. YOur thougts?Since we are the only ones still awake;)</p>

<p>“Every body thinks that we got into top schools because of AA”</p>

<p>Not everybody. As far as I can recall, I never thought of it once, and I’m 51 years old, until I come to college confidential.</p>

<p>Oh wait… I also never thought about “top schools” until I came to college confidential.</p>

<p>“this is the most aggravating and blood gurggling thing ever!”</p>


<p>How about health disparities, homicide rates, number of our men in jails, graduation rates , drowning…</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/08/02/chief-teens-drown-red-river-shreveport-la-crews-searching/[/url]”>http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/08/02/chief-teens-drown-red-river-shreveport-la-crews-searching/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“Fatal Injuries Among Children by Race and Ethnicity --- United States, 1999--2002”>Fatal Injuries Among Children by Race and Ethnicity --- United States, 1999--2002;

<p>“YOur thougts?Since we are the only ones still awake”</p>

<p>Nope! California, Hawaii…</p>

<p>Yes, sometimes I feel this site is primarily white applicants who want to make themself feel superior to others by either making stats up or something mundane and foolish to the former.</p>



<p>Yes, it is truly unfortunate for all URM acceptees to be presumed unworthy of acceptance because of the practice. It is important to recognize that even those who are accepted who probably wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for AA practices are still academically qualified for the school or else they would not have been accepted. There are enough qualified URM applicants to top schools that there need not be compromises in the process. But the angry responses of many at the process are understandable; unfortunately, this anger gets translated upon individuals.</p>



<p>Of course.</p>



<p>I expect that a very small percentage of CCers fabricate their stats. As for your speculation that the userbase is primarily White, consider these results of a HSL poll:</p>



<p>I would love to have a sensable discussion with a person like you^. Also, yes it is true that even if the applicant’s stats do not meet the schools stats, obviously the school still felt the applicant was someone worthy enough to be accepted or else they would not have accepted the applicant. To those who are rejected but have higher stats and look to AA for the blame, it isn’t. The school rejected you because maybe it just felt that you weren’t the right fit for them, not because you were unqualified, not a URM, etc, but instead that they did not see in you wwhat they saw in another applicant, even if the other applicant is a URM with lowerr stats.</p>

<p>Well that pole is not representative of all the posters now is it? and maybe my assumptions are wrong, maybe african americans are the most abundant, I will never know.</p>

<p>*poll, lol.</p>

<p>It’s quite possible that HSL is a …skewed population.</p>



<p>Possibly. But the results are interesting nonetheless.</p>

<p>Yes, indeed.</p>

<p>The fact is once you’re in college, you do realize that many of the black students are in fact behind their asian/white counterparts unless they’ve previously attended a high school comprising mostly of asian/white students. </p>

<p>This is because to survive at a predominately white school (especially a school with a strong Asian population. Asians don’t mess when it comes to studying… trust me, 3 of my suitemates are Chinese) you have to work your butt off to a degree that’s simply not common at schools with significant black populations. </p>

<p>The moral of this post is don’t let people perpetuate the BS that minorities aren’t deserving. Work like hell in college and prove them wrong :).</p>

<p>But why should we have to prove anything in the first place? Isn’t the fact that we are attending the same school as you indicative enough?</p>

<p>No it isnt enough because of AA. Like whats already been said, some people think that AA is a major hook in admission. Some ppl cannot believe that someone with perfect scores on everything and a 4.0 can get rejected, but someone with way less impressive stats gets accepted - this happens all the time… well, maybe not ALL the time but enough times that people notice.</p>

<p>goog pooint there.</p>

<p>Though I realize that being a URM makes me stand out more, I hate how people make URMs sound like charity cases. Colleges, especially selective ones like the Ivys, try to give their students preparation for the real world, and by integrating people from various backgrounds, both socioeconomically and racially, they succeed in their goal.</p>

<p>Can’t tell that to your counterparts though. Most, in not all, believe that many URMs get in because they are URMs, and not because of their work ethic, smarts, etc.</p>

<p>I meant “if not all”.</p>