Racial Tension on College Campuses

With so many discernible differences in socio economic status and race on college campuses, and based on some of the posts made on this website, one must wonder how tense are college campuses because of politics, race, AA,etc… Are these issues just fodder only for discussion or do these views carry over into interactions amongst people of different economic and ethnic backgrounds?

<p>At many schools, there is "self-segregation". I've been to campuses and I have witnessed the self-aggregation of asians, blacks, hispanics, and whites. Of course, there are those who reach out and become friends with those of other races.</p>

<p>My high school is 75% black, 24% white, and 1% hispanic approximately. I have noticed that most of the black and white kids interact inside of school but not outside. My primary circle of friends is largely white and relatively wealthy.
I have found in my visits to campuses "self-segregation" is rampant even at the most "liberal" institutions. This climate of de facto segregation on college campuses and in other arenas is disturbing and saddening esp. for a black male from Mississippi.</p>